Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Tofino Proposes Crosswalk 


Anonymous said...

This is certainly a useful and wise use of the taxpayer's money. Great to see our elected representatives leading the charge to insure that all members of the community are included, even if it's only in an indirect way, with the opportunity to be walked over and trod upon on a regular basis.

Your tax dollars at work!

Next election, be sure to remember who was sitting on council when this expenditure was authorized.

Anonymous said...

$2,000.00 for the design. Add for the paint and the labor and the flaggers during installation and this is gonna cost $5,000.00!!
Is there something wrong with the crosswalk that's there now? I use it often, it seems to work fine.
Let's scrap this idea and give the $5,000 to the hospital foundation. Actually do something that benefits folks.

Anonymous said...

Virtue signalling at its finest. Gay all the way i say. But why do taxpayers have to pay for propaganda for a special interest group? Fundraise or crowdfund the money.

Anonymous said...

I was gonna say you voted for these idiots, but that is probably not accurate. The turn out was dismal last election. There was barely any need for an election.... Mayor by acclamation
Seven candidates for six councilor positions......I guess if you don't run and don't vote you get what you get. Interesting the groups to be represented don't even have the integrity to pay for the paint job and do it themselves.
I want a crosswalk painted to celebrate the work ethic of settler families who heroically established Tofino out of the forest. Their ideals have be forgotten and ignored. Don't tell me.... that would be inappropriate....racist... trans phobic... colonialism....etc.
Maybe I will run for office next time. See if I can get myself locked up for thought crimes.
Like I don't stand for or against anyone's sexual inclination, orientation or fantasy. Just don't stuff your personal views down my personal throat. Normal sexless cross walks do fine for everyone. There you go, a "thought crime" for sure.

Anonymous said...

Can we get a "Husband Knocks up Wife, Raises Kids" crosswalk also?

Anonymous said...

Chesterman and Lynn road got painted last fall for the pay parking. The painting was done at dusk which isn't good for drying. The paint wore off in a matter of weeks and now there is nothing left. We didn't even get one year out of it. How much did DOT spend on this? Please stop wasting money. Water is priority one.

Anonymous said...

the badly drawn fish crosswalk at 4th and Campbell was enough....kowtowing to special interests demands who also support terrorists is not in the best interests of promoting universal peace and harmony. instead, the proposed crosswalk propaganda promotes radical hate, division, suppression of free speech and open discourse. nothing about our community.
leave the crosswalks blank please. or else paint them with fantastic juried artworks

Anonymous said...

Agree with 9:21. Keep politics out of it. You will never please everyone, but I like the idea of nonpolitical artworks. Why not vignettes of historical Tofino. Could provide meaning for a lot more residents and present something unique for the tourists. I've seen enough rainbow intersections. They are everywhere else. The proposal would only degrade the town. Same same everywhere. Common Council. You don't lead from the rear....... Keep Tofino UNIQUE.

Anonymous said...

the latest advert for a reconciliation crosswalk makes better sense. until its lumped in with the first request.
I demand a crosswalk design about males. and I demand a different crosswalk design emphasizing women. If those are not forthcoming the district creates a liability for itself based on sexual discrimination.

Anonymous said...

in terms of culture there's nothing that stands out we are proud of. mediocre stuff here and there. generic crosswalk crap is more of the same mediocrity....cant anyone insist on something more? its never been addressed. there are some very good local native artists here. rainbow crosswalks aren't something anybody comes to Tofino to see.

Anonymous said...

Agree 100 % with 8:40 I want to see Clayoquot Sound history on the cross walks.. Native and non-natives. Scenes of clam digging and cutting big trees...Baseball games on Clayoquot Island....Natives and settlers playing sport together. Wes Thomas boats and someone holding up a big spring salmon with a smile on their face, and maybe even a surfer on a wave flashing a V sign from the tube. Maybe some folks just hanging out on the dock with the sea plane arriving.

Tourists would love it and the locals, native and non native, would see a bit of themselves, a bit of their history. Let MRDT $ chip in.

Bring people together. C'mon Council "Smile on your brothers. Everybody come together, right now".

Anonymous said...

Annual LGBT+ Schedule

Feb 19-25 - Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week

March 21-25 - LGBTQIA+ Health Awareness Week

March 31 - Transgender Day of Visibility

April 6 - International Asexuality Day

April 13 - International Day of Pink (Day Opposing Homophobia)

April 14 - Day of Silence

April 26 - Lesbian Visibility Day

May 17th - International Day Against Homo, Bi, and Transphobia

May 19th - Agender Pride Day

May 22 - Harvey Milk Day

May 25 - Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day

June - The Entire Month - Pride Month

June 23 - Stonewall Day

June 28 - International LGBTQ+ Day

July 14 - International Non-binary People Day

July 16 - International Drag Day

September 16-23 Bisexual Awareness Week

September 23 - Celebrate Bisexuality Day

October - The Entire Month - LGBT History Month

October 8 - International Lesbian Day

October 11 - National Coming Out Day

October 17-24 Genderfluid Visibility Week

October 19 - International Pronoun Day

October 19 - Spirit Day (Support for LGBTQ+ Youth)

October 23-29 Asexual Awareness Week

October 26 - Intersex Awareness Day

November - The Entire Month - Trans Awareness Month

November 5 - Trans Parent Day

November 8 - Intersex Day of Remembrance

November 13-19 - Transgender Awareness Week

November 20 - Transgender Day of Remembrance

Anonymous said...

instead of all taxpayers funding these things why don't the special interest groups crowdfund them? if they don't raise the funds then its not that important and were not stuck with them.