Friday, November 25, 2016

Globe Article on Illegal Hotels


Anonymous said...

According to a source at the district they are aware of bed and breakfasts that operate as mini hotels rather than the B&B they are licensed to operate.

Anonymous said...

"mini hotels" .....more like "mini fire-traps". Someone's gonna get killed in those dumps! If the District is so eager to shut something down, those places should be priority #1. They need to be advised, in writing, of the potential danger to human life in what their greed is allowing to be possible, and when tragedy strikes their operators need to be held criminally responsible for the result.

Copy / pasted said...

Anonymous said...
Look at the "important notes" on the back of your 2016 taxation notice.
You'll see a New assessment class code this year.

class 09 FARM

Anonymous said...

The Clinton Botanical Farming Foundation

Anonymous said...

Re: 2:54

I am so tired of hearing your stupid comments about fire traps... just shut up! You have no semblance of intellect, logic and/or any idea of what you are talking about.... You have been going on for months on every topic writing this nonsense response.

1: We build mostly with wood: small commercial to residential. We have residences over 100 years old built of wood.... wood burns but it does not mean it is a fire trap.

2: The fire code and how it is implemented is to create safe places. Not your ridiculous comments.

3: If a business gets a business licence, a residence receives an occupancy permit and a commercial unit has received the final okay from the building inspector it is up to standards. This doesn't mean they don't burn.... and it certainly doesn't mean they are fire traps.

4: Zoning has nothing to do with fire traps

I am sorry Ralph, I wish you would moderate a bit more but I really appreciate you having this blog.

Ralph Tieleman said...

It is fair comment. There are many Vacation Rentals that have several units in one building . No fire protocol or central alarm. Unfortunately these operators work around the rules . I moderate comments that are actionable by law. I know some commentors are annoying....

Anonymous said...

11:03AM. I'll shut up when you're closed up. Your operation is a menace to the public and a disgrace to our town. Do you really need a few dollars that badly?

Fire Traps are easily identified: They do not have -Wide hallways and stairways. -Fire proof doors.- Sprinkler systems.- Central fire alarm systems.- Multiple, well marked, fire exits. -Emergency lighting systems. -Posted fire evacuation plans.- Automatically closing fire doors to prevent the spread of toxic smoke and gasses throughout the structure.

Fire traps are easily identified: Just take an old wood framed house, proclaim it a "hostel", or "guest house" pile it full of old cheap furniture, and pack as many young people into it as it can hold. Eighteen or twenty is a good number, or even more if you can sleep 'em on the floor on in the hallways.

Fire traps are easily identified: Just look for an opportunistic operator with low morals, more interested in their own profit than in the safety of the public, justifying their actions by proclaiming "I've got a zoning permit! I'm within the law!"

Shut these dumps down!!

Anonymous said...

Will Tofino be next?
Shut those dumps down!!