Saturday, September 12, 2015

NDP Candidate Criticized


Anonymous said...

I guess none of the parties check out their candidates very well.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that if I refer to Stephen Harper as a "sleazy, sneaky, f**king piece of s**t", not fit to clean an outhouse, and that needs a good kick in the n**s...... that it would be considered out of line, and my post might be criticized?

Anonymous said...

This is nothing...... In Haiti, a convicted cocaine trafficker is running for Parliament..... Here in Canada, however, this would not happen. Instead, he'd be appointed as a Conservative Senator............

Anonymous said...

Ralph Tieleman said...

You might also enjoy this Harper video

Anonymous said...

I always new you were a Harper fan

Anonymous said...

This election is a media farce. One long series of "gotcha moments" as all sides try to skewer the others for past mistakes and gaffs. Some serious discussion of the issues might be more interesting than "internet run amok" I have to fear for the country and the future when which party has the best ideas for governing is not the basis for voting. That being said, some of these candidates are umworthy of our support, and indicates the kind of grasping desperation of the power seekers.

Anonymous said...

This women seems very concerned about rascism, yet she shamelessly appropriates the culture and accoutrements of the oppressed. Black gangsta rappers who themselves suffer from oppression. Must be her aboriginal privilege that entitles her.