Saturday, June 22, 2019

Water Announcement

Stage 2 Water Conservation to be Implemented Earlier in 2019

Based on local and provincial data, the District of Tofino is anticipating that Stage 2 Water Conservation measures will be implemented earlier this year than in previous years.
During Stage 2:
Outdoor watering of lawns, gardens, trees and landscaped areas is prohibited except for the watering of food plants by hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off mechanism or hand-held canister as follows:
All other outdoor use of water is prohibited except to the minimum extent to remove salt water and provide basic hygienic cleaning.
For clarity, filling or refilling of hot tubs is prohibited.
Please follow our FacebookTwitterWebsite and Email subscription for further information and updates.
With weather conditions expected to remain warm and dry, dropping water levels have prompted the Province to announce a Level 3 drought rating for Vancouver Island. Follow the British Columbia Drought Information Portal for details. 
District staff is monitoring daily consumption rates, the weather forecast, and the level of water stored in our two reservoirs on Meares Island.
We will update the community on the anticipated timeline for Stage 2 as we collect data from our water sources and production facilities.

The 20% Challenge will remain in place during further conservation stages, and we encourage all businesses, residents and visitors to reduce non-essential water use throughout the summer months.

District of Tofino Municipal Office
(T) 250-725-3229
(F) 250-725-3775
Learn More About Tofino's Water Conservation Stages
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yet, the surf shower at North still runs long after the person is done using it.