Sunday, June 30, 2019

Toquaht Marina Story

Friday, June 28, 2019

Development Permit Update

The development permit story seems to revolve around a development permit that was issued in an irregular manner. The project in question is the former Pacific Rim Campground at Cox Bay.
  Thank you for all the information sent in. I cannot publish any documents without getting clearance from the blog’s legal team or having them authenticated by the District of Tofino.
I do not have verification as to who issued the permit. I will attempt to get a copy of the permit on Tuesday when the district office reopens.
My apologies if I couldn’t publish your comments but this is a very serious matter and I must proceed with caution.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Water Announcement

Stage 2 Water Conservation to be Implemented Earlier in 2019

Based on local and provincial data, the District of Tofino is anticipating that Stage 2 Water Conservation measures will be implemented earlier this year than in previous years.
During Stage 2:
Outdoor watering of lawns, gardens, trees and landscaped areas is prohibited except for the watering of food plants by hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off mechanism or hand-held canister as follows:
All other outdoor use of water is prohibited except to the minimum extent to remove salt water and provide basic hygienic cleaning.
For clarity, filling or refilling of hot tubs is prohibited.
Please follow our FacebookTwitterWebsite and Email subscription for further information and updates.
With weather conditions expected to remain warm and dry, dropping water levels have prompted the Province to announce a Level 3 drought rating for Vancouver Island. Follow the British Columbia Drought Information Portal for details. 
District staff is monitoring daily consumption rates, the weather forecast, and the level of water stored in our two reservoirs on Meares Island.
We will update the community on the anticipated timeline for Stage 2 as we collect data from our water sources and production facilities.

The 20% Challenge will remain in place during further conservation stages, and we encourage all businesses, residents and visitors to reduce non-essential water use throughout the summer months.

District of Tofino Municipal Office
(T) 250-725-3229
(F) 250-725-3775
Learn More About Tofino's Water Conservation Stages
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Friday, June 14, 2019

Council Highlights



June 11, 2019

"Council Highlights" provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings.

Click the link below to see full agenda packages, minutes and video recordings.
Agenda Items
  • Delegation from Adam Coates, Chief Commercial Officer, Prairie Records: The delegate presented details of a cannabis retail temporary use permit application for 150 Fourth Street.  
  • Council resolved to support the resolution from Victoria City Council to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities to restore Provincial support for libraries.
  • The 2018 Statement of Financial Information for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018 was approved by Council.
  • Strategic Procurement - Wastewater Treatment Plant: Council authorized staff to incorporate principles from the recommendations in the Strategic Procurement report, including employment and social benefit targets, in the procurement documents for the wastewater treatment plant and conveyance system.
  • Tofino Harvest Company TUP:Council authorized staff to issue a temporary use permit for a cannabis production operation at 700 Industrial Way (Tofino Harvest Company) subject to the receipt of a satisfactory waste management plan. 
  • Cannabis Retail TUPs:  Staff were authorized to notify the public that Council proposes to issue a Temporary Use Permit to Daylight Cannabis Company (671-1 Industrial Way) and West Coast Cannabis Store (Units F&G, 1182 Pacific Rim Highway) for the purposes of operating a temporary retail cannabis operation.  Council denied the temporary use permit applications for Prairie Records (150 Fourth Street) and Tuff Leaf (561 Campbell Street).   
  • District of Tofino Building Bylaw No. 1256, 2019 was adopted. This Bylaw reflects changes that were made to the British Columbia Building Act, and will enable the District to enforce provincial building requirements, including the BC Building Code.  
Click Here for Council Minutes, Agendas and Videos
Other District News
The District is launching the 20% Challenge! The 20% Challenge encourages efficiency in water usage, and recognizes that the responsibility for conservation is shared by businesses, residents, visitors and the Distirct. 

By taking the Challenge, businesses, residents, visitors and the District are encouraged to share their tips on social media using the hashtag #TofinoH20 and follow along the Districts website at to track the community's progress.

Help us reduce our water consumption by 20% over last year!


District of Tofino Municipal Office
(T) 250-725-3229
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Friday, June 7, 2019

Whisky Dock Repairs


June 6, 2019
For Immediate Release

First St. Dock Structural Repairs - June 2019

Please be advised that the District will be undertaking structural repairs to the First Street Dock beginning the week of June 24th. The works will take approximately 2-3 weeks, and focus primarily on the braces and piles underneath the dock’s surface.

All reasonable efforts will be made to not disrupt regular boat and deck vehicle operations and the contractor will work around active dock operations. However, there may be periods of time where portions of the dock will be closed to public access and vehicular access may be impacted.

Frequent dock users may be required to share the floats extending on the east and west sides temporarily.

We apologize for any inconvenience as we undertake these necessary repairs.
Ricardo Araya
Manager of Engineering and Public Works
District of Tofino
(T) 250 725 3229
Stay Tuned On Our Website for Updates
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Saturday, June 1, 2019

COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS May 28, 2019 Council Meeting



May 28, 2019 Council Meeting

"Council Highlights" provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings.

Click the link below to see full agenda packages, minutes and video recordings.
Agenda Items
  • Tofino Council Apology to Japanese Canadians:  On behalf of District Council, Mayor Osborne offered a formal and public apology to Japanese-Canadians, to all persons of Asian descent, and to all others affected by the Village of Tofino’s 1947 “motion to exclude Orientals.”  The apology included a rejection of any exclusionary policy based on racial or ethnic origin, and a solemn commitment that such injustices will never again be countenanced in the District of Tofino.
  • Canada Day Fundraiser BBQ:  Council authorized the Tofino Enrichment Society to hold a fundraising event in the Village Green Park Basketball Courts on Monday, July 1st, 2019 which would include food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks sales for the purposes of fundraising for a new indoor recreation facility.
  • Single Use Plastic Bylaw No. 1263, 2019 was adopted.  The District of Tofino has been working with the District of Ucluelet and Surfrider Pacific Rim to prohibit businesses from providing plastic checkout bags and plastic straws on the West Coast.  This bylaw will come into effect on June 8th, 2019 (World Ocean’s Day), with fines and enforcement scheduled to begin in January 2020.  More information about this bylaw and resources for businesses can be found at
  • Firewood Regulation Bylaw No. 1261, 2018 was adopted.  This Bylaw requires regulatory signage at the point of sale or supply of firewood for the purposes of campfires, and requires that information be provided to customers regarding both the Provincial and Municipal Campfire Regulations and/or Fire Bans.
  • Property Tax Shift:  Staff were directed to review the tax split among all property classes, in order to determine whether a shift between classes is appropriate.  Council also resolved to review the tax split on a regular basis, at least every Council term.
  • Commercial Accommodation Development Restrictions: Council unanimously defeated a motion that was introduced by Councillor Baert that proposed to amend the Zoning Bylaw to restrict future commercial accommodation development in Tofino.   
Click Here for Council Minutes, Agendas and Videos
Other District News
Category 2 Open Burns Prohibited within the Coastal Fire Centre's jurisdiction.  Learn more here.
Piratepalooza! Join the Grand Opening of the NEW Village Green Playground on Saturday, June 1st at 11:00a.m. Prizes for pirate and sea creature costumes!
Cannabis Temporary Use Permits - A special meeting will be held Monday, June 3rd at 5:30 p.m. See the  agenda here.
Council Open House: June 11th, 2019 from 5-6pm in the Council Chambers – Learn more about Council’s Strategic Plan and Priorities for this term of office.
Stage 1 Water Restrictions are in effect as of May 1st.  Click here to learn more.
View the 2019 Tofino Tax Guide
For more information please contact the Corporate Services Department at:
(T) 250-725-3229
Visit our Website
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