Saturday, September 22, 2018

Rex Murphy on Green Policies


Anonymous said...

Do you suppose our glorious mayor read this part of the article?..." “Sorry. Can’t fix the potholes, clear the drains before a storm, unlock the traffic snarling every street and expressway or get the streetcars here on time — but, hey, we’re banning plastic straws and grocery bags and we’re going solar on the billboards.” If you can’t run the city, leave the planet saving for another day. "

Anonymous said...

Total double speak by the proponents of 'green activities' in Tofino. You can't be an environmentalist living here where everything you need to live has to be transported huge distances by the same oil they protest.

Anonymous said...

We have "no idling" bylaw but you can drive around and around endlessly looking for a parking spot. makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

That "no idling" bylaw....... That's what council and staff worked on that month instead of working on the sewage disposal issue. Distraction!! And then the mayor toots the horn and declares what a wonderful job everyone is doing.