Sunday, July 16, 2023

Pay Parking During Water Crisis 

  If as much effort was put into our water system as pay parking we wouldn’t be in this mess. 


Anonymous said...

Not much effort was put into pay parking either, it's basically a pre-chewed package from Robbins. (but, yeah someone at the DoT can pretend he's working hard)

Anonymous said...

Remember when many years ago Ralph took the initiative to clean some signs in town. (with organic vinegar!)
The District followed up cleaning all signage.

Since then.... nothing has happend..all these years... dirty green/mold signs.
However, last month the District drove around town with a reservoir and pressure washer cleaning all the parking signage !!

1 week later the District was back.... taking down all the old (clean) parking signs and they threw them in the back of the truck for recycling.... and then they installed New pay parking signs covered with black garbage bags.
These flapping plastic bags have been there now for over 3 weeks creating a "festive atmosphere" and parking chaos. (during Tofino's High Season!)
Doesn't the DoT care about local businesses or is it all just incompetence ?

Anonymous said...

Then the district installs the parking meters where they are blocking sidewalks. One over on 2nd Street is in the middle of the side of the road where people are supposed to walk instead of walking down the road.
The one by Katie Monks park across from the bakery is located perfectly to narrow one of the busiest sidewalks in town as well as the solar panel being head height to injure any pedestrians who do manage to squeeze past it.
Nobody has been thinking.
I’m sure there will be other equally dumb locations being used for parking meters around town.
No thought, no planning, no sustainability just like the no thought, the no planning and no sustainability of the town water supply.

Anonymous said...

6:03 PM

A lot of the individuals in our town making key decisions have been heavily boosted no doubt .

And this is the result. The town looks increasingly like a dog's breakfast.

No one seems to be talking about the damage to peoples' frontal cortexes. (if you want to hide something, hide it in plain sight.)

"if you were getting dumber, how would you know?"