Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Job Search Story 

Great to see a new CAO that is already familiar with Tofino but how much did the DOT spend on a job search when there was already a local candidate that was on the DOT payroll ? 


Anonymous said...

Yes I'd like to know how much was spent on a headhunter, especially if the real intention was to hire from within.

Anonymous said...

yes me too since this headhunters choices have resulted in some pretty crummy examples. and doesn't the council and mayor have the ability to name one of the staff as CAO? this isn't rocket science but its become mystery work....with our tax money.

Anonymous said...

Headhunters typically don’t cost anything If they don’t source the person. Headhunters usually charge 20% of the base salary of an employee they found, and only if that employee is still employed after 3 months. As Nyla was internal, it very likely cost the taxpayers nothing.

Anonymous said...

Very likely cost nothing... or cost nothing?