Friday, May 6, 2016

Tofino Councilor Greg Blanchette on Ft Mac Fire


Ralph Tieleman said...

My thoughts are with the people of Fort McMurray.Mr Blanchette does not speak for all of Tofino.

Anonymous said...

He should resign

Anonymous said...

We need kind and compassionate people on council.Not those who thrive on misery.Why is he here ?

Ralph Tieleman said...

He is here because he was elected.

Duncan McMaster said...

I lived in Alberta for 26 years before coming to Tofino in 2006. Consequently I still consider myself an Albertan, even though gradually trending to becoming a British Colombian. If this offends you, probably best to stop reading now.

One thing I do know is that if and when a tsunami ever devastates Tofino, Albertans will be among the first to step up to help and will not condemn me for choosing to live in a tsunami zone.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Blanchette is a disgrace. He is no different than some religious nut bar who welcomes disaster as "God's" form of retribution on the evil doers. Mr. Blanchette you worship a false god. No one in their right mind could twist a disaster like this to suit their political purposes. I never voted for you and I knew why....You are a sick man....

Anonymous said...

Anyone know where Blanchette was when the fire started. Seems like the kind of person desparate enough to want to see his "prophecies" come true. Is there any municipal recall process?

Ralph Tieleman said...

There is no municipal recall system.

Anonymous said...

Is this representative of the "Tofino Brand" Mr. Blanchette has referred to in the past and wants to impress the world with. This is "Branding" we don't need. Count me out. I feel embarrassed to live here.

Anonymous said...

Blanchette and the rest of the green washers have drunk the inconvenient truth coolaid about climate change being caused by man. I am sure he will not get elected again. This is something we can not let the voters forget.
His cute little climate change gas station stickers will continuously remind us not to vote for him.

He should be ashamed of his comments about Alberta.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if Blanchette is a "Greeny" or any other shade of politician. When something happens to cause this much pain in the lives of your fellow countrymen there is only one appropriate response and that is to want to help.

In his need to gloat, and in his suffocating attitude of moral superiority, he has shown his true colours, and they is dark indeed.

You go Alberta, the rest of us are here to help.

Anonymous said...


Blanchette & the flakey bunch > OUT

Anonymous said...

These responses lead me to believe some people are prepared to go to any lengths to prove a point. If we read the Facebook dialogue with an 'open' mind we will hear:
"EXCLUSIVE: Suncor to Shut Down Fort McMurray Facility" = news headline of fact.
KU: "Takes a tragedy to shut that shit down eh..." = a comment on a corporate decision
GB: "Sometimes people don't get it till it hits them in the face." = refers to above corporate decision, the CEO's most likely, and no reference to the people of Fort McMurray.
LN: "I can practically hear you all rubbing your hands together." = subjective comment, an assumption based on the workings of that person's brain only, no others'.
Where in the Facebook dialogue are people hearing anything other than objective commentary in highlighting the role that global warming has played in the wildfire scenario? Seriously, please read the posts carefully and tell us what the offensive commentary is. I am just not seeing it, and I am not a robot.

Anonymous said...

9.24 Got quite a chuckle out of that.....

Lyin' Blanchette, "the most miserable SOB" we've seen on council, or perhaps "Satan in the flesh".....Really, has anyone ever seen Blanchette and Satan in the room at the same time?.....NO....Just saying......

Anonymous said...

Excuse me 11;56 The point is that Mr. Blanchette seems prepared to go to any lengths to prove his point. And, I don't have to disagree with Climate Change to find his perspective distasteful.

Anonymous said...

11:56...... It's not really about the superitory attitude and the "I told you so" comments...... it's just that some people are really easy to dislike.

Anonymous said...

I find his comments extremely distasteful.
I think his belief in anthropomorphic caused climate change is bordering on having been greenwashed into insanity.
Any geologist will tell you the earth's history reveals constant climate change and what is happening today isn't even close to the extremes of geological history.

Anonymous said...

He may want to push his agenda about climate change
It may be an inconvenient time to have stated his climate opinion
It is a terrible time for people who have created lives, that are now lost to this terrible tragedy

Get the water bombers up there!

Anonymous said...

Is Duncan McMaster reporting for Tofino News...
or did you just borrow his iPad to take these screenshots Ralph ?

Ralph Tieleman said...

Anyone is welcome to report or submit to Tofinonews . Feel free to write a guest editorial

Anonymous said...

I think people feel really upset about Mr. Blanchette's comments because as a Tofino Councillor when he expresses these opinions it reflects on all of us, and quite poorly I believe. A more mature and less selfish representative of the community might learn to temper his own enthusiasms for his cause and realize this is not the occasion to proselytize, but a time to remember he has responsibilities to all people. The town wants to show support for the people of Alberta... So, Mr. Blanchette please check your priorities.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the peope of Fort Mac wish us harm because we dump our raw shit into tbe ocean.

Anonymous said...

So if you are in Tofino the taxpayer should provide affordable housing but if you are living and working in Fort McMurray you deserve to have your house burned down ?

Anonymous said...

I'd like hear Mr. Blanchette's thoughts on perhaps building a wall at the BC-Alta border to keep 'em over there, or perhaps banning muslims from entering Tofino until we can figure out what the hell is going on with affordable housing, or maybe solving the Poole's issue by shipping 'em all back to Quebec.
I shudder to think about what his solution might be to the raw sewage thing.

Anonymous said...

The bigot, the oppressor, always identifies the oppressed as deserving of whatever happens to them. Didn't the Nazis claim the Jews "brought it on themselves" and identified them as sub-human and not worthy of the normal considerations one extends to another person and somehow responsible for everything bad.

So the working people of Alberta, (or is it just the Oil Sands in particular?), are identified as a new under class of human who are stupid, ie. they don' t get it "till it hits them in the face", and are responsible for unleashing some new evil. And any human kindness is conditional, upon their recognition of some other vague and unspecified crimes that they have unwittingly perpetrated against an unidentifiable group in unidentifiable events. Something that can neither be proved nor disproved.....Let's just call it what it is.... Bigotry

The new "Progreesive Left" is finding new ways to divide society up. Like the "National Socialists" did in Europe, 75 years ago. Only now the scapegoat is the "oil worker', or anyone who is foolish enough to live in a place where they produce, refine, or convey the stuff. Or is it anyone who actually gets their hands dirty through work.

Little wonder that what we see happening in the US Presidential race is affected by the same bigotry in the Media, the established elites and many politically correct politicians and commentators.

Trumps supporters are dismissed. "He only got the support of the blue collar working class". Or it is "only working men." People whose ignorance and lack of sophistication seem to barely qualify them for a vote at all in some TV commentators minds. The working people of the US are looking for an new champion in Trump. We don't know yet if he can meet expectations, but he has already passed important tests....He does not talk down to working people and they recognize in him, that he is addressing them and wants their support.

So now we see Mr. Blanchette and cohorts mouthing the "code words" and spreading the hate.

David Suzuki advocates that any person who questions "climate change" should be charged with a criminal offence. Mr Blanchette implies the "Oil Patch" got what it deserved.

What Utopian New World View is being thrust upon us?

greg b said...

I'm late to this conversation, but what is being "thrust upon us" here in Tofino is the end of our little town. The latest scientific predictions call for up to 5 metres of sea level rise by mid-century, if we do not address our carbon output with a WWII-level response. That would put Chesterman Beach ... under water. The Chesterman Beach neighbourhood ... flooded. Most of our resorts ... under siege. Downtown Tofino itself would likely be an island.
My job as councillor is to stand up for this place, now and in the future. That means lobbying like hell to get moving on renewable energy. The Fort Mac fires are an object lesson in getting off carbon-based fuels ASAP -- as are the heatwaves, the floods, droughts, red tides, superstorms, the melting glaciers, and on and on and on worldwide. I feel for ALL the people and animals affected by these climate disasters, and i do what i can, which is mostly just donating money. For the millions, no, the billions, about to be similarly affected in decades to come, i will keep hammering away on the need for action.