Sunday, May 22, 2016

Main St Update


Anonymous said...

Looks like a nice day in Tofino.

Anonymous said...

That is because the streets are paved with the 'golden spruce".
There's few enough of us in BC who actually remember the golden spruce cut down by someone in a mental state. There will soon be even fewer that remember the old Tofino.
Don't worry about the pretty wood walks we will be replacing at future taxpayer expense that were decided upon by brilliant minds on staff.
Yes looks like a nice day in Tofino but we need rain.

Anonymous said...

See that motor home at the top of the picture, parked up by the church? That thing has been parked there in the same spot for over a month! (It's an 8 hour zone, but the district took down the signs)

Anonymous said...

I was wrong, I just drove by there and looked again..... It's not 8 hour, it's 2 hour, and states no trailers or motor homes! (the sign has been put back up).... There's a ticket on the windshield (I'll bet that really upsets the owner).

Anonymous said...

Speaking of parking, or the lack of parking, how is it that so many of the downtown parking spots are dedicated to offshore residents (non taxpayers) with permits only. I do believe the permits are available at no cost. Once again council has put locals behind others.

Anonymous said...

Nobody cares

Anonymous said...

Council has to go!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how long it will be before someone steals those nice wooden blocks......