Friday, June 12, 2015

Water Supply Update

While this isn't good news I'm glad to see the District making an announcement about the situation.


Anonymous said...

WHO?? is the acting CAO? ....and how in hell did she become qualified to assume that position?

Anonymous said...

Why was the pipe at Bay St running all night ?

Ralph Tieleman said...

Not sure . I think the story is on Facebook

Anonymous said...

Don't know where on facebook Ralph but we need to save every drop of water we can right now with this morning's weather network forecast for the next two weeks of not a drop of rain. Some clouds occasionally but no rain.

What exactly are the resorts' water savings plans? Have they ever been made public?

Anonymous said...

In answer to why it was running there was the annual late Spring dam maintenance done after which the pipes need flushing.

Anonymous said...

New water rate possibilities for your perusal.

Meeting tomorrow 7pm council chambers if you wish to say your two cents worth and have them ignored.