Friday, February 28, 2025

Short Term Rental Video 


Anonymous said...

Tofino council lacks the critical thinking ability and is far below a standard needed at this level of decision making. Our Mayor is out of his depth.

Anonymous said...

Kinda hurts to see him laughing at all this.

Anonymous said...

Seems like the Tofino 1% is panicing.

Anonymous said...

8:39 it isn’t just the 1% it is the whole town that feels the decision. look around you. there’s minimal economic activity in this town since the crack down on VR’s and the collapse of the economy. I guarantee you some businesses will in all likelihood close down this year. The VR’s seem to be essential to many of the small businesses. To make it clear i still don’t like VR’s but they do provide vibrancy and employee people.

Anonymous said...

Its not one percent its well over 50% and the Mr Law keeps refering to the McGill study which is a hotel advocacy paper and nothing to do with academic exploration. It literally Fake news

Anonymous said...

When Horgan was first elected he began dismantling the resource based industries under the guise of climate change. He bragged about tourism leading the new GREEN economy; which is a joke as tourism makes up 25% of global emissions. Once over immigration destroyed the housing market and public backlash ensued, the only optics card the NDP had left was to go after short term rentals. It was enough to get them elected again, but unfortunately we now have neither the resource nor tourist based economies. Now the only Ace they have left is to spin it as being Trumps fault. Unfortunately, as the onion gets peeled off, it will reveal that there is nothing left. They are scrambling like mad to resurrect the resource industry, but globally they are a decade late and $Trillions short. Buckle up!

Anonymous said...

In the early 90’s, Tofino was surveyed about housing. 84% of residents lived in their own home or a home owned by a close relation.” Affordable housing was not a problem. A council meeting in the late 90’s, voted in the first iteration of vacation rental as opposed to B and B style rental. (i.e. it didn’t have to take place in the home but could take advantage of separate and detached cottages and units). At that meeting several older former councillors said enacting the newly proposed rules would in short order cause about 100 renters to lose their housing... and on it goes….

Fast forward to today and the advocates for looser vacation rental (some who don’t live here at all) are apparently the new backbone of the community while housing availability is in serious decline. Tofino also used to have a more diversified economy as well, but the greenies have put rest to resource-based activity... l I would be more comforted by the current discussion if some one would address not just VRs but housing……places for people to live. You know those folks who do work… and essential to the town

I am not about to condemn those who do VR to make a living but surely an economy based on VR does little for those who cannot buy into the housing market at all. People who want to live here, but cannot find a place to rent, cannot afford a place to buy, but are currently just looking for a place to park and get out the single burner camp stove. “Let them eat cake” I guess. Not to worry…, they all seem to conveniently move on.

Come on Tofino Council. We can do better than arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic or is that all Mayor Law and crew can muster up. And don’t crow to me about your ‘affordable housing monstrosity’ sitting on a rockpile. No one likes it……

Anonymous said...

Be sure to write to council, critical thinking like this is important for them to see and consider. Be sure to do it before Noon March 5th so they are forced to address it.

Anonymous said...

Please keep in mind that this whole VR kerfuffle is the product of the provincial governments attempts to solve the housing shortage in Canada. Also keep in mind that the council and staff want to stay in the good graces of the provincial government, therefore they're marching along. If you don't like what's happening then it's time for you to run for public office and change things one way or the other. stand on the sidelines shouting, obscenities, and logic get you anywhere. And remember you got what you elected as far as politics goes.

Anonymous said...

The trouble with Tofino “going it alone” is that Tofino “going it alone” has not shown an ability to enforce Jack shit. There are so many bylaw violations in this town you wonder sometimes if there are any rules at all. People have been kicked out of rental suites by absentee landlords for the purpose of 100% VR use and there are no consequences. Everyone of the District of Tofino’s rules around zoning, home occupations, and VR activity is routinely violated and unenforced. I could give you a list but then I would be ratting out neighbours and others in the community. Tofino has proven that does not work here. Local rules and enforcement sounds great, but Tofino has demonstrated it is not up for the responsibility……Having the Province set the standard and enforce it, maybe the only way to get a standard at all.

Anonymous said...

Ya. Tofino can go it alone on VRs. We can do this! We can beef up DOT enforcement, to match the new responsibilities. We could create a whole new department just for VR permitting and inspection and enforcement of what the province was going to do. …..hire another four or five people so we don’t distract the current Bylaw crew from their bicycle rides on the beach. Ya we need a bigger more expensive bureaucracy. That bureaucracy that has tripled in size in the last decade and accomplished…….What?
Maybe we could get Robbins to cover it under their hundreds of thousands in expenses? Forgot about that fiasco??? We can go after violations like South Chestermans……How much did that cost the taxpayers. We can do this…..but who will pay. Are VR’s prepared to pay extra taxes and fees to cover the costs of new stringent enforcement…… How about a 5% of revenue fee to cover enforcement. VR’s already pay a fee. I know I know. But that is supposed to be for “Affordable Housing”. Am I correct? You don’t want the poor Tofino taxpayer to cover these extra enforcement costs. You don’t want someone who just lives and works here to subsidize your VR bylaw enforcement. Do you?????

Anonymous said...

Agree with this comment. It's wild west mentality out there and they need the help

Anonymous said...

Are y'all writing letters so council hears these thoughts?

Anonymous said...

What concerns me is that this local petition is against the Provincial involvement, but they don’t seem to offer an alternate option, ie no detail except they don’t want the Province involved. Sorry but not good enough. The status quo is not acceptable. Make your petition spell out an alternative set of rules and see how that flies. Not just 'not the Province'.

Anonymous said...

the district council etc. surely would like to follow in the political footsteps of Scott Fraser, Gord Johns, and Josie OSBURNE whereby they toed the provincial party line and ascended on into the hallowed halls of pensions and perks. to go against the province would be political suicide.

Anonymous said...

Can you possibly be more spot on about the Fab three? Thank-you. Finally, someone said it! It boggles the mind that most newly elected officials invariably develop a propensity to grift. I surmise it's a latent effect of swollen egos. Must push head back into shape in order to get through doorway type of scenario.

Anonymous said...

The rules are already in place with out the legislation. There is a reason we were given the choice in the first place, this legislation was not written for us. Mayor Law seems to be consumed by the thought this will lower housing prices. Last time I checked STRs are not allowed in Sea Otter, Yew Wood or Ocean Park yet somehow all those prices have almost doubled, hmm maybe vilifying and alienating hard working STR owners, YES hardworking they are not rich oligarchs, is a mistake.

Anonymous said...

Daddy Daddy buy me a house to use as a VA rental and I will never have to work again shut all down