Monday, December 6, 2021

3 million in spending but not for sewer 


Anonymous said...

This should provide a 3 million dollar view of the raw sewage draining into Duffin Cove. District wants money from resorts but spends its own money frivolously. Sets a poor example in these tough times.

Anonymous said...

I agree. A terrible example at a horrible time. April Froment has some great ideas about how to spend someone else's money. Likewise AAron Rogers has a project cooked up on the books. Who steers these "employees"?

Anonymous said...

No sewer - no problem for DOT, it seems. And as the years went by....

Anonymous said...

We can but hope the MRDT agreement is cancelled and this dumb design not completed. How about a quarter truck load of gravel on the road edge by Treehouse. That would be an affordable improvement.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the "free money" has been the driver for quite awhile in Tofino

Spend like Hunter B on a Hollywood spree. Forget good administration, man we's da global destination.

Forget those punks in da "Temporary use permits". We're paid like kings and them's just kermits.

Forget that water and forget that shit we're livin on champagne at least for a bit

were livin in style free money don't ya know

So get outa my way I got two blocks to go.

I'm sure we can make it if we don't run outa blow.

Anonymous said...

getting rid of the turning lane by the coop is so absurd

Anonymous said...

getting rid of the turning lane is just plain an act of stupidity.

Anonymous said...

This is not about practicalities. it is about show

Anonymous said...

Turning lanes are a colonial construct popularized by settlers. Get woke !!

Anonymous said...

April Froment wants the turning lane gone. So shut up. She's a friend of Josie's. You people just don't understand how things work.

Ralph Tieleman said...

Currently there about 20 parking spaces for offshore users on the west end of Campbell Street.

Anonymous said...

"District wants money from resorts". Fake News, read the fine print. District is not asking for any money from resorts. District is proposing that a portion of tax money collected directly from tourists gets redirected from tourist promotion to debt servicing on upcoming sewage treatment. In either scenario, no cost to resorts.

Anonymous said...

now that the offshore parking is being eliminated surely the offshore residents can ride bicycles and not take up expensive tourist parking with their cars.

Anonymous said...

Very interested in who got the raises this year?

Anonymous said...

Just watched July 12 zoom council meeting. What a joke...meares vista ghetto rev park... three more years. No compliant for years now a savior of affordable housing. This is the least intelligent council we have ever had.