Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Candidate’s Priorities


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Council Agenda Packages - Oct. 22nd Council & Public Hearing

District of Tofino Meeting Agenda

Please find below links for the following agenda packages:

2019-10-22 Public Hearing Agenda (4:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
A Public Information Session will be held at 3:30 pm in the Council Chambers.

700 Sharp Road - Tofino Housing Corporation

Public Hearing - 22 Oct 2019 - Bylaw 1270 - Agenda - Html
Public Hearing - 22 Oct 2019 - Bylaw 1270 - Agenda - Pdf
2019-10-22 Regular Council Agenda

Agenda items include:
  • Correspondence from Village of Pouce Coupe re. Support for Transportation Network Services
  • Correspondence from Clean Energy BC re. 2019 Generate Conference
  • Correspondence from Tofino Housing Corporation re. 2020 Affordable Housing MRDT Plan
  • 2020 Tactical Plan & 2020 Affordable Housing MRDT Plan
  • Coastal Addendum to the Alberni Agriculture Plan - Coastal Agriculture Roundtable
Regular Council - 22 Oct 2019 - Agenda - Html
Regular Council - 22 Oct 2019 - Agenda - Pdf
Click Here for Council Minutes, Agendas and Videos

On Thursday, October 31, 2019, at 9:00 AM in the Council Chamber, Municipal Office, 380 Campbell Street, a Special Council Meeting will be held for the purposes of reviewing 2019 Quarter 3 Reports and the 2020-2024 Financial Plan.

Tofino residents and businesses are encouraged to attend budget meetings to make Council aware of your priorities and to learn about the process.  District staff are available to answer questions, and to distribute your feedback to Council.  In general, the annual budget process is as follows:
  • August: All Departments submit proposed Budgets
  • August-Sept: Detailed Budget Review by CFO, CAO, and each Department 
  • October/November: First Budget Meeting*
  • January: Second Budget Meeting*
  • January/February: Public Consultation* (Open Houses, Feedback Forms, Presentations)
  • March: Final Budget Meeting* – authorization to prepare Financial Plan and Annual Tax Rates Bylaw based on Budget discussions
  • April: Introduce Five-Year Financial Plan and Annual Tax Rate Bylaws*
  • Before May 15th: Adoption of Bylaws*; submit to Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
*All meetings are open to the public and advertised in advance.
Learn about the Municipal Budget
For more information please contact the Corporate Services Department at:
(T) 250-725-3229
(E) corporateservices@tofino.ca 

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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Post by Omar Soliman

Hello all, apparently I may be one of the only people left in Tofino who doesn’t speak with anonymity, which is an increasingly worrying problem in today’s world. Yes I live in an RV on public lands at Cox Bay. I have lived in this town for 4 years with only a short period of that time being under a real roof in a real house. My door is open at anytime if you want to discuss what it has been like. This election isn’t about me and what I’m going through, and for the reasons why I think people haven’t been willing to rent me a space (including crabapple whom I’ve spoken with on multiple occasions) which are not important because what I think doesn’t matter, what matters is what’s going on with this town and what we can do to mitigate its potential demise. My opinions should not matter to you the residents of this town, what should matter to you is selecting an INDIVIDUAL who is going to champion YOUR opinions and principals. It is not the responsibility of your elected officials to curb your decisions, it is their responsibility to gather information democratically and enforce the will of the people, that’s what I’m willing to do, I am willing to be your megaphone, I will never vote against what the PEOPLE of this community want. At the end of the day we all have rights as Canadians, and if you want to know what those rights are and how to cherish them and execute them to the fullest extent of the law, you need to elect officials who understand them and are will to fight for them for you. I will make only one promise, I promise that whatever roads we decide to take, whatever mistakes we need to get up from, and whenever we need to stand up to injustices in our town and in the world, we will always do it with confidence, with conviction, and we will do it together, I promise.