Council Chamber, Municipal Office
2016-April-26 at 10:00 AM
Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held April 5, 2016
THAT the minutes of the regular Council meeting held April 5, 2016 be adopted.
Regular Council - 05 Apr 2016 - Minutes | ||
Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held April 6, 2016
THAT the minutes of the special Council meeting held April 6, 2016 be adopted.
Special Council - 06 Apr 2016 - Minutes |
Delegation Request from Tofino Long Beach Chamber of Commerce regarding Organizational Changes
Delegation Request - Jen Dart (TLBCC + TT) | ||
Delegation Request from Tina Stokvis
and Jill Doucette representing Synergy Sustainability and Vancouver
Island Green Business Certification Program regarding the Green Economy
in Tofino
Delegation Request - T. Stokvis and J. Doucette (VIGBC and SSI) |
Correspondence from Judi MacLeod regarding Renaming Main Street
2016-04-04 J. MacLeod re. Renaming Main StDistrict of Tofino Policy - Naming of New Streets, Lanes and Parks | ||
Correspondence from Cathy and Lewis George regarding RV Parking
2016-04-19 C. & L. George re. RV ParkingDistrict of Tofino Policy - Downtown Core Parking | ||
Correspondence from the Tofino Long-Beach Chamber of Commerce regarding Pay Parking
2016-04-10 TLBCC re. Pay Parking |
Correspondence from Smart Fuelling requesting a Meeting with Council
2016-03-29 Smart Fuelling Letter2016-03-29 Smart Fuelling eBook | ||
Correspondence from Cathy and Lewis George regarding Village Green Fence
2016-04-19 C. & L. George re. Village Green Fence |
of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities (Verbal Report from Mayor
Osborne, and Councillors Blanchette, Thicke, Baert and Anderson)
| ||
Vancouver Island Regional Library Board Update (Verbal Report from Councillor Anderson)
| ||
Centre for Civic Governance Annual Conference: High Ground - Tools for
Engaged Leaders (Verbal Report from Councillor Blanchette)
| ||
Tofino Harbour Authority Update (Verbal Report from Councillor Thorogood)
| ||
Wickaninnish Community School Society Update (Verbal Report from Councillor Thicke)
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West Coast Community Resources Society Update (Verbal Report from Councillor McMaster)
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2016-2020 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1220 and 2016 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw No. 1221 (Report from Financial Services)
THAT "District of Tofino 2016-2020 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1220, 2016" be read a first, second and third time.
THAT "District of Tofino 2016 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw No. 1221, 2016" be read a first, second and third time.
2016-04-26 RTC 2016-2020 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1220 and 2016 Annual Taxation Rates Bylaw No. 12212016-04-26 RTC 2016-2020 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1220, 2016 - Appendix 12016-04-26 RTC 2016 Annual Taxation Rates Bylaw No. 1221, 2016 - Appendix 2 | ||
Permissive Tax Exemption Policy (Report from Financial Services)
THAT the staff report "Permissive Tax Exemption Policy" dated April 26, 2016 be received for information.
2016-04-26 RTC Permissive Tax Exemption Policy2016-04-26 RTC Permissive Tax Exemption Policy - Appendix 1 | ||
2016 Arts and Culture Grants (Report from Financial Services)
THAT the staff report titled “2016 Arts and Culture Grants” dated April 26, 2016 be received for information.
2016-04-26 RTC 2016 Arts and Culture Grants | ||
2016 Council Grants (Report from Financial Services)
THAT the 2016 Council Grants be awarded, subject to any terms and conditions, as follows:
(Funding to be determined by Council at the April 26, 2016 regular Council meeting.)
2016-04-26 RTC 2016 Council Grants2016-04-26 RTC 2016 Council Grants - Appendix 12016-04-26 RTC 2016 Council Grants - Appendix 21 - CARE Nework Society2 - Clayoquot Action Society3 - Pacific Rim Arts Society4 - Pacific Rim Hospice Society5 - Port Alberni Victim Services Society6 - Raincoast Education Society7 - Tofino Arts Council Society8 - Tofino Community Food Initiative9 - Tofino General Hospital Foundation10 - Tofino Saltwater Classic11&12 - Tofino-Clayoquot Heritage Society13 - Solera Performing Arts Society | ||
# - # |
Special Event Permit Application - PRAS Summer Festival Concert (Report from Resort Municipality Initiative Services)
THAT staff be authorized to issue a Special Event Permit to the Pacific Rim Arts Society (PRAS) for use of the
Village Green to hold a free concert from 5 pm to 10 pm on Thursday,
June 30, 2016 including the following conditions to the satisfaction of
the Manager of RMI Services:
• Provision of a $1,000 refundable damage deposit.
• Provision of a certificate of insurance naming the District of Tofino as additional insured.
• Provision of a traffic management and security plan approved by the RCMP.
AND THAT Third Street, between Malon Lane and Neill Street, be closed on Thursday, June 30, 2016 from 2 pm to 11 pm to accommodate the PRAS Summer Festival, as outlined in the staff report dated April 26, 2016.
2016-04-26 RTC Special Event Permit App. PRAS Summer Festival | |
Amendment to District of Tofino Fees, Terms and Conditions Bylaw (Report from Community Sustainability)
THAT staff be authorized to amend the “District of Tofino Fees, Terms and Conditions Bylaw No. 1153, 2011” by adding the following charges to Schedule C.
Cartography Fees
LIDAR data (.shp) – District of Tofino staff and consultant wages plus $15 acre.
Orthophoto data (.shp) – District of Tofino staff and consultant wages plus $15 acre.
2016-04-26 RTC - Fees, Terms and Charges Bylaw | ||
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1218 – Close – 1475 Braiden Road (Report from Community Sustainability)
THAT “District of Tofino Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1218, 2015” be read a third time.
AND THAT the Public Hearing Summary
Report on “District of Tofino Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1218, 2015”
attached as Appendix 2 to the staff report “Zoning Bylaw Amendment -
Close - 1475 Braiden Road” dated April 26, 2016 be received by Council and maintained as a public record.
2016-04-26 RTC Zoning Amendment (3rd) – 1475 Braiden Road2016-04-26 RTC Zoning Amendment (3rd) – 1475 Braiden Road - Appendix 12016-04-26 RTC Zoning Amendment (3rd) – 1475 Braiden Road - Appendix 2 | ||
Community Economic Development Advisory Committee
THAT the minutes of the Community Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting held April 6, 2016 be received.
The Community Economic Development Advisory Committee recommends as follows:
THAT up to $2,500 be
released from the special projects reserve to support the Tofino
Business Association in undertaking the Community Investment Assessment
Project, subject to receiving matching funding from the Island Coastal
Economic Trust.
Community Economic Development Advisory Committee - 06 Apr 2016 - Minutes | ||
Audit Committee
Minutes (To be distributed at the April 26, 2016 Council Meeting):
THAT the minutes of the Audit Committee meeting held April 26, 2016 be received.
The Audit Committee recommends as follows:
THAT the 2015 audited Financial Statements for the District of Tofino be approved.
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Design Review Panel
THAT the minutes of the Design Review Panel meeting held March 30, 2016 be received.
Design Review Panel - 30 Mar 2016 - Minutes |
District of Tofino Traffic and Parking Regulatory Amendment Bylaw No. 1091.03, 2016, for Adoption
THAT "District of Tofino Traffic and Parking Regulatory Amendment Bylaw No. 1091.03, 2016" be adopted.
District of Tofino Traffic and Parking Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 1091.03, 2016 |
# - #
Request for Authorization to Attend a Conference
Notice of Motion:
up to two Councillors be authorized to attend the Arts BC &
Heritage BC conference titled “Place Making: Where Arts & Heritage
Collide”, May 5-7, 2016, on Granville Island, and
be reimbursed for costs in accordance with “District of Tofino Council
Remuneration, Benefits and Expense Reimbursement Bylaw No. 1186, 2013”.
District of Tofino Municipal Travel Expenses PolicyDistrict of Tofino Council Remuneration, Benefits and Expense Reimbursement Bylaw No. 1186, 2013 |
April 26, 2016
Regular Council Agenda
Many thanks for Thorogood and McMaster opposing the expansion of the Public market onto 3rd street. Too bad the rest of council was not persuaded by their arguments against it. It will just result in more traffic being pushed into the surrounding residential area. Big mistake by council.
THAT up to two Councillors be authorized to attend the Arts BC & Heritage BC conference titled “Place Making: Where Arts & Heritage Collide”, May 5-7, 2016, on Granville Island,...... This sure sounds like a good investment of tax dollars. Actually, it sounds like a good waste of money. What benefits will the taxpayers of Tofino see from this?
Correspondence from Judi MacLeod regarding Renaming Main Street
2016-04-04 J. MacLeod re. Renaming Main StDistrict of Tofino Policy - Naming of New Streets, Lanes and Parks
This is a great idea. Showing some respect to Tofino's original settlers is a project that should be promoted. This seems like a good first step.
Also, it would be nice to see the new liquid waste treatment facility named after a suitable former resident...... Perhaps B. Smith?
It's interesting that L&C George's letter regarding RV parking was listed as "for information only" by district staff, rather than "requiring action". Looks like "staff" has already decided how this issue is going to be handled...... file and ignore it! Once again, we see who is actually in charge of what goes on in council chambers...... and it ain't the councillors.
Writing letters to get on the agenda is a waste of time as staff send anything they don't want to deal with to information only. I don't know how you get a concern you have onto the agenda when that happens. It is like a giant middle finger salute to you.
Aren't residents concerns supposed to be dealt with? Isn't dealing with residents concerns about the livability of the town and resident retention a goal of Tofino's official strategic plan for 2015-201?
Shuffling letters to council off to information only status disenfranchises residents.
This new parking plan is a disaster for everyone.. residents, visitors and the tourism industry
It's time for council to start actually listening to downtown residents & businesses regarding parking issues
Staff has wasted enough of our money, they're Not able to create a basic parking plan for this community. That should be clear by now.
What I find "interesting" is the parking changes were made without any consultation with the property owners who have had parking changes made beside their properties. Don't you think the district should have communicated with them?
Also interesting is how the downtown area is defined as where they want to park offshore vehicles. First street now has no visitor parking that was previously heavily used all summer.
Look, there's ZERO enforcement of any of the parking regulations in this town, so anyone can simply park anywhere they choose, at any time. People park in front of the post office, in the 15 minute zone, and stay there for hours. Staff at the Co-Op park in front of the bank and stay there while they work a full shift (4 hours). There's NEVER a parking spot available in front of the drugstore. (They really got ripped off by the Campbell St "upgrade"). The Main and 4th area, anywhere near the 4th St dock, is usually taken up by boat trailers. If not, then there's guys like the motorhome that's been parked in front of St Francis church for the past week. There's some parking available around town, but it's usually used up by people using it for vehicle "storage"...... and they do it because they know they're going to get away with it. You can make all the rules and plans you want...... but they're all useless. Getting people to park their vehicles properly is as likely as getting people to clean up their own dogshit, because no one wants to hurt anyone's feelings, so the rules are never enforced.
If you look up the new parking map you can see nobody gave a rats ass about the seniors housing at Arnet and First st. There is no parking for them during the summer. It has all been changed to RV parking. What a joke.
I bet they didn't know that they lived in downtown Tofino. They would not have known to attend. I did not know I should attend.
It would have been so simple o have done a parking survey of the residents before making these inept parking changes.
So, 9:39, you are right. There is no enforcement..... until the summer bylaw people start becoming officious.
Good cat fight at the Chamber to Council meeting tonight. Councillor Blanchette says that "local taxpayers should pay for affordable housing". Councillor McMaster responds with "easy for you to say as you don't pay property taxes".
if what 9:36 says is true,then Mr. Blanchette will have to answer to the local taxpayers.
It would be much easier to compile a list of what Mr. Blanchette believes the taxpayers should NOT be responsible for......Oh look, there is nothing on the list. Let's send him off to another conference at our expense where he can come up with more stuff that the rest of us can pay for.....
I've got a better idea. Why doesn't council approve some development that would provide housing....Sorry, I forgot he wants to tax housing too, and expects anyone who gets a development approval to "gift" the town, for the right... How does that not put the "approval authority", the town, in a CONFLICT OF INTEREST. And they don't understand they interfere with the market process. They have corrupted the first purpose of the "approval authority".
Ya, I know they do it in Richmond but 1) This is not Richmond. 2) The town does not want the kind of densities that might support a "Density Bonus" scheme, 3)The town does not have the Administrative capacity to undertake a lot of complicated development process, 4) Over the last ten years, Tofino has no doubt spent more staff dollars trying to manage, negotiate, finesse , monitor and legally defend itself, from such dubious activities, than they have collected. Where are the benefits?
Yet, hundreds of units...fee simple lots, condos etc. have been proposed in the last ten years and dozens of "proponents" have been unable to negotiate the "corm maze" that is the district approval process, and housing, and a huge pile of property taxes that would have flowed to the District, have been lost.
Used to be, you had the right to make use of your property according to the rules and plans the town laid out to guide growth. Then development became BAD and had to be punished. Someone must be making money.... Yup, no development unless "the town gets their cut" As soon as the town started asking for "gifts", and doubling up on fees and charges going to general revenue, and DCC's for projects that don't exist,(Kennedy Lake) there has been very little that has passed through the eye of the needle. So there you have it, a housing shortage.... And the town has benefitted....HOW? Twenty years ago the town could house itself. Yes, even after the tourism economy started to take off.
My parents had a phrase for people like those, on council and in the Districts offices, who do not like development and make it difficult at every opportunity, and yet expect all sorts of benefits to flow gratis to the community. "They want their cake and to eat it too". Used to be all sorts of benefits did flow to the town, like housing for folks and full time, year round, and jobs that could support families.
Used to be the "community" was something that existed regardless of which set of "rascals", in love with themselves and power, had got themselves elected. Now these "rascals" see THEMSELVES as the "community" and we are dependant on them for everything. I say the people who live, work and play here, are the community, and you lot are getting in the way....
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