Council Chamber, Municipal Office
2016-March-15 at 10:00 AM
Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held February 23, 2016
THAT the minutes of the regular Council meeting held February 23, 2016 be adopted.
Regular Council - 23 Feb 2016 - Minutes |
Delegation from BC Assessment regarding the 2016 Assessment Roll - Bill Dawson, Deputy Assessor, Vancouver Island Region
| ||
Delegation regarding Semi-annual DMO Update and Budget - Kirsten Soder, General Manager, Tourism Tofino
Delegation Request - Kirsten Soder (Tourism Tofino) |
Correspondence from Michael Bendall and Celeste Sundquist-Bendall re. The Shore Zoning Amendment
2016-03-08 M. and C. Bendall re. The Shore Zoning Amendment |
Council Remuneration, Benefits and Expense Reimbursement Bylaw No. 1186, 2013 (Report from Financial Services)
THAT staff be authorized
to prepare an amendment to "District of Tofino Council Remuneration,
Benefits and Expense Reimbursement Bylaw No. 1186, 2013" by adding the
following section:
4.5 An allowance for computer purchase will be provided to each Councillor in the amount
of $500 in the first year of each Council term. It is the
responsibility of the Councillor to maintain the device and obtain, at
their cost, information technology services.
2016-03-15 RTC - Council Remuneration, Benefits and Expense Reimbursement Bylaw2016-03-15 RTC - Council Remuneration, Benefits and Expense Reimbursement Bylaw - Appendix 1 | ||
Zoning Amendment Application - Ventura - 511 Campbell Street (Report from Community Sustainability)
THAT “District of Tofino Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1203, 2014” be adopted.
THAT third reading of “District of Tofino Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 1217, 2016” be rescinded.
THAT “District of Tofino Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 1217, 2016” be amended at second reading by:
• Changing the required size of a refrigerator from a minimum size of 18 cubic feet to a maximum of 16 cubic feet.
• Changing the required size of an oven from a minimum width of 30 inches to a maximum width of 24 inches.
THAT “District of Tofino Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 1217, 2016” be read a third time, as amended.
2016-03-15 RTC - Ventura Final Readings (Bylaws 1203 and 1217)2016-03-15 RTC - Ventura - Appendix 1 (Bylaw 1203)2016-03-15 RTC - Ventura - Appendix 2 (Bylaw 1217)2016-03-15 RTC - Ventura - Appendix 2 (Bylaw 1217) Schedule 1 | ||
Development Variance Permit 01-16 – Ziliken – 700 Industrial Way (Report from Community Sustainability)
THAT a Development Variance Permit be issued for 700 Industrial Way varying the required rear yard setback from 3 metres to 1 metre; and varying the required west side yard setback from 3 metres to 0.5 metres.
2016-03-15 RTC - Ziliken DVP2016-03-15 RTC - Ziliken DVP - Appendix 1 | ||
2016 Tofino Ambassador Program – Early Budget Approval (Report from Resort Municipality Initiative Services)
THAT the 2016 Tofino Ambassador Program funding be approved in accordance with Tofino’s 2012-2016 Resort Development Strategy;
AND THAT should the District receive less than $650,000 from the Province
under the 2016 RMI Shared Cost Agreement, the District’s funding
contribution from this source will be reduced proportionally and any
outstanding balance will be funded through 2016 contingencies;
AND THAT Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to
execute an agreement between the District of Tofino and the Tofino-Long
Beach Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $19,000 for the delivery of
the 2016 Tofino Ambassador Program (TAP).
2016-03-15 RTC - TAP Early Budget Consideration | ||
Hellesen Drive Improvements – Tender Award (Report from Resort Municipality Initiative Services)
THAT staff be authorized to award the Hellesen Drive Road and Beach Access Improvements Project (the Project) to Wacor Holdings Ltd. based on the submitted tender price of $624,708.80;
AND THAT $624,775 be transferred from the Roads Infrastructure Reserve Fund for the road reconstruction portion of the Project;
AND THAT $229,795 be transferred from the Resort Municipality Initiative Reserve Fund for the beach access portion of the Project;
AND THAT the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the MMCD Form of Agreement between the District of Tofino and Wacor Holdings Ltd. in the amount of $624,708.80 for the Hellesen Drive Road and Beach Access Improvements Project as included in the invitation to tender.
2016-03-15 RTC - Hellesen Drive Road and Beach Access - Tender Award2016-03-15 RTC - Hellesen Drive Road and Beach Access - Appendix 1 | ||
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Special Event Permit - Tofino SUP Challenge (Report from Resort Municipality Initiative Services)
staff be authorized to issue a special event permit for the use of the
North and South Chesterman Beach parking lots and beach access
paths to organizers of the Tofino SUP Challenge event scheduled to be
held on Saturday, July 16, 2016 including the following conditions:
• Proof of permission from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations to use the foreshore.
• Provision of a $500 refundable damage deposit.
• Provision of a certificate of insurance naming the District of Tofino as additional insured.
2016-03-15 RTC - Special Event Permit App. Tofino SUP Challenge | |
Special Event Permit - Tofino Public Market (Report from Resort Municipality Initiative Services)
staff be authorized to issue a special event permit to organizers of
the Tofino Public Market for use of the Village Green from 10 am to 2 pm
every Saturday beginning May 21 through October 8, 2016, including the
following conditions:
• Provision of a $1,000 refundable damage deposit.
• Provision of a certificate of insurance naming the District of Tofino as additional insured.
2016-03-15 RTC - Special Event Permit App. Tofino Public Market2016-03-15 RTC - Special Event Permit App. Tofino Public Market - Appendix 1 | ||
Firearms and Fireworks Display Regulation Bylaw, No. 1219, 2016 (Report from Fire Chief)
THAT “District of Tofino Firearms and Fireworks Display Regulation Bylaw 1219, 2016” be read a first, second and third time.
THAT “District of Tofino Bylaw Notice Enforcement and Dispute Adjudication System Amendment Bylaw No. 1107.04, 2016” be read a first, second and third time.
“District of Tofino Municipal Ticket Information System Amendment Bylaw
No. 1088.07, 2016” be read a first, second and third time.
2016-03-15 RTC - Firearms and Fireworks Display Regulation Bylaw2016-03-15 RTC - Firearms and Fireworks Display Regulation Bylaw - Appendix 1 2016-03-15 RTC - Firearms and Fireworks Display Regulation Bylaw - Appendix 2 2016-03-15 RTC - Firearms and Fireworks Display Regulation Bylaw - Appendix 3 | ||
Committee of the Whole
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held March 7, 2016 be received.
The Committee of the Whole reports and recommends as follows:
THAT staff proceed with further review of the rezoning application for Lot 2, District Lot 122, Clayoquot District, Plan VIP71743
THAT the Community Economic Development Advisory Committee Terms of Reference be amended to reflect the following composition:
• Two members of Council to serve as Chair and Vice Chair
• One representative from the Tofino Long Beach Chamber of Commerce
• One representative from the Tofino Business Association
• One representative from Tourism Tofino
• One representative from Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations
• Five representatives of the public, which may include representatives from the following sectors:
| ||
Community Economic Development Advisory Committee
THAT the minutes of the Community Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting held March 2, 2016 be received.
Recommendation from the December 2, 2015 CEDAC Meeting:
THAT the 2015 CEDAC Strategic Planning Report be adopted.
CEDAC - 02 Mar 2016 - MinutesCEDAC - 2015 Strategic Plan Report | ||
Tofino Recreation Commission
THAT the minutes of the Tofino Recreation Commission meeting held February 17, 2016 be received.
Tofino Recreation Commission - 17 Feb 2016 - Minutes |
Tofino - Tla-o-qui-aht Higher Learning Initiative Letter of Intent
Resolution from February 2, 2016 Regular Council Meeting:
Resolution No. 36/16
THAT Council review resolution No. 254/14 regarding the Tofino - Tla-o-qui-aht Higher Learning Initiative and revise the letter of intent as appropriate, to be completed by the end of March, 2016.
THAT resolution 254/14 be rescinded.
Resolution No. 245/14
THAT the letter of intent dated June 9, 2014 regarding the Tofino Tla-o-qui-aht Higher Learning Initiative be approved; AND THAT $15,000 be released to the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust to procure its services in support of the Initiative.
2014-06-09 Draft LOI with CBT2016-02-19 Letter from the CBT re. Education Tourism Project | ||
Notice of Motion from Mayor Osborne regarding Short Term Rental Enforcement
Notice of Motion:
Council recognizes that short-term rentals and bed & breakfasts are
part of a diverse range of accommodation options for visitors; and
WHEREAS all nightly tourism accommodation activities in Tofino are regulated – including a requirement for a valid business licence – but regulations are currently enforced on a complaint driven basis;
Tofino Council is concerned about affordability and supply of rental
housing in Tofino in general, and more specifically is concerned about
the impacts of unlicensed nightly rentals;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the District of Tofino undertake proactive education and enforcement of short-term rental and bed and breakfast regulations.
AND THAT staff be authorized to bring forward a long-term plan that includes immediate actions for education and enforcement.
2016-03-15 Osborne NoM re. STR enforcement | ||
Notice of Motion from Councillor Blanchette - Support for MFA Fossil-Fuel Divestment
Notice of Motion:
WHEREAS climate change is a significant threat to Tofino’s future;
WHEREAS investment, direct or indirect, in the fossil fuel industry is
contrary to Tofino’s interests, yet current Municipal Finance Authority
practices make it difficult for the District of Tofino not to invest in
this industry;
THEREFORE be it resolved
that District of Tofino Council support the City of Victoria Council
resolution of 11-Feb-2016 Empowering Local Governments to Pursue
Socially Responsible Investing;
WHEREAS many local governments have committed to climate action and socially responsible investing;
WHEREAS a central strategy for climate change mitigation is to reduce
emissions into the atmosphere relating to the consumption of fossil
fuels, which includes divesting from fossil fuels and reinvesting in renewable sources of energy, employment and revenue;
WHEREAS local government are empowered in provincial legislation to
invest through the Municipal Finance Authority, and the current investment portfolio offered by the Municipal Finance Authority does not include a fossil-fuel free investment option;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal
Communities calls on the Municipal Finance Authority to create
a fossil-fuel-free investment fund to provide local governments with an
investment choice that aligns with priorities for climate action and
social responsibility.
AND THAT staff write a letter to the Municipal Finance Authority, District of Ucluelet, City
of Port Alberni, and the Alberni Clayoquot Regional District, apprising
them of our resolution and urging them to support the City of
Victoria’s resolution as well.
2016-03-15 Blanchette NoM re. Support for MFA Fossil Fuel Divestment | ||
Request for Authorization to Attend Conference
Notice of Motion:
THAT Councillor Blanchette be authorized to attend the “Centre for Civic Governance Forum”, April 1 – 2, 2016,
in Harrison Hot Springs and be reimbursed for costs in accordance with
“District of Tofino Council Remuneration, Benefits and Expense
Reimbursement Bylaw No. 1186, 2013”.
District of Tofino Municipal Travel Expenses PolicyDistrict of Tofino Council Remuneration, Benefits and Expense Reimbursement Bylaw No. 1186, 2013 |
March 15, 2016
Regular Council Agenda
What a joke! There are dozens and dozens of illegal short term rentals all over Tofino. They're easy to find....simply go on the internet and Google "accomodations, vacation, Tofino" and you'll find more than you can shake a stick at. Do you really believe that anyone is going to do anything about it? Not likely. Easier to just "adjust" the rules, or maybe get a bunk at the field station.
It could be expensive to deal with vacation rentals but I have always said, why.does any bylaw violation (except parking) have to be complaint driven
Because, Ray, "staff" says that's the way it should be. Anything else, and "staff" would become responsible for putting themselves to work each morning. And, as we all know, "staff" runs the office. You and the other elected officials are only there to rubber stamp the things that "staff" wants, so they can continue to collect their grossly extravagant salaries and expense accounts, as they whine about how terrible their workload is and create as much bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo as possible, in order to keep themselves employed. Want a suggestion? Eliminate a few of their positions and replace them with contracted out services instead.
Be it resolved that in order to reduce the District of Tofino's carbon footprint that no fossil fuels be utilized in the attendance of climate change conferences.
Be it further resolved that henceforth no counsellors shall be reimbursed mileage for travel expenses when attending various municipal functions throughout the province.
(mileage is usually calculated to help pay for, among other things, gas.)
henceforth there shall be a moratorium on all gas sales in the year 2017.
no fuel for boats, airplanes, trucks, buses and cars shall be sold after that for a period of five years.
the District of Tofino henceforth shall kill the goose that laid the golden egg of tourism unless levitation becomes an acceptable method of travel.
am I right in assuming that the DOT is apt to discourage gas powered travel to and from tofino while everyone else jumped on the bandwagon to transform the DOT into a tourist destination resort?
Be it further resolved that henceforth no counsellors shall be reimbursed mileage for travel expenses when attending various municipal functions throughout the province.
(mileage is usually calculated to help pay for, among other things, gas.)
henceforth there shall be a moratorium on all gas sales in the year 2017.
no fuel for boats, airplanes, trucks, buses and cars shall be sold after that for a period of five years.
the District of Tofino henceforth shall kill the goose that laid the golden egg of tourism unless levitation becomes an acceptable method of travel.
am I right in assuming that the DOT is apt to discourage gas powered travel to and from tofino while everyone else jumped on the bandwagon to transform the DOT into a tourist destination resort?
Thanks to Councillor Blanchette for highlighting the issue of municipal investing. In 2014, I believe our district contributed just over $8 million “temporary investments” to the pooled investments of the Regional District which are managed by the Municipal Finance Authority (MFA). The MFA 2014 Annual Report lists Enbridge Inc., Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc., Husky Energy Inc., and Inter Pipeline Corridor Inc. as benefactors of these investments. This raises some interesting questions: Does the public have the right to choose where tax dollars are invested? And if so, how could that opportunity be provided? Should the MFA offer fossil fuel-free investment opportunities to the municipalities and regional districts of B.C.? Should B.C. municipalities continue to invest in companies whose activities they also seek to limit, i.e., through UBCM’s Resolution #B139 in 2010, seeking to ban crude oil tanker traffic along the B.C. coast. At this time our opportunities are limited but the municipality does have the choice to forego direct fossil fuel investment and consider alternatives such as credit unions and securities at least until such time as the MFA can offer fossil fuel free options. If the resolution to the Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities proposed by the Victoria city council passes, the Regional Districts, Municipalities, and in turn, the people, can begin to more effectively contribute to the global reduction of CO2 emissions. Climate scientist James Hansen believes “Decision-makers do not appreciate the gravity of the situation ... Continued growth of greenhouse gas emissions, for just another decade, practically eliminates the possibility of near-term return of atmospheric composition beneath the tipping level for catastrophic effects.” Can we act now and prove him wrong? Any letter send to corporateservices@tofino.ca in support of these resolutions will be received by council.
Blanchette should ride his circus bike to Nanaimo, from there paddle a traditional canoe to Vancouver and walk the rest barefoot to Harrison Hot Springs to attend the conference.
No, district staff isn't overpaid...... $100,000.00 per year to mow the grass alongside the highway is totally reasonable. Of course, that's only the guy's salary...... the machine was $70,000..... plus upkeep and maintenance. Why couldn't this contract be put out to public tender?
Didja notice the shiny new super dump truck that's driving around town? How much did that thing cost!! How often will it be used? Are you telling me that Gibson Bros. couldn't be contracted (at an enormously lower cost) on the rare occasions when a truck like this is required for district projects?
Just googled air bnb Tofino. 279 listings for Tofino alone. That's probably a good place to start seeing who is licensed or not.
Lots of the vacation rentals are actually 2nd or 3rd properties owned by locals cashing in on the market. I think half the District Office staff and Admin all have at least one if not more vacation rentals. The argument for 'poor locals just trying to pay their mortgage' sometimes includes multiple mortgages and properties, by people who already have full time jobs. The 'financial concern' in a lot of these cases is just greed.
I just heard someone saying that the Monks property is going to be used for district staff accom? Anybody hear anything on this one?
Lookit... as far as I can see whatever units have been given over to the district as housing amenities as a consequence of a de facto housing shortage policy are used to house district staff and kept vacate until they're needed. but so what? there's no policy that says they can't or any sort of anything determining how they are supposed to be used. same with monks property.
DOT already owned that truck. Its very old but mechanically sound...they just got it painted ! Hence why your eyes noticed it. Talking/complaining about stuff you have no clue about is generally a bad idea... just sayin !
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