Friday, November 29, 2024

Climate Story 


Anonymous said...

Canada’s GDP has grown .04 percent since Trudeau took office. For comparison, The US has grown theirs 17 percent. We have to be thankful for the climate scam initiative being sold to us. Without it, we would be in a full blown recession. Now, if they can only figure out the exact amount of taxes required to solve it!

Anonymous said...

At least Canada has a golden parachute of things continue to decline, we can become the 51st state.

Anonymous said...

A little off topic, but when the government confiscates my weapons that were purchased for sport and then sends them to the Ukraine to be used for murder, am I supposed to feel good about it?

Anonymous said...

9:08 a good example of virtue signalling by our fearless leader. The truth is not the truth.

Anonymous said...

Once we become the fifty first state, will it be open carry?

Anonymous said...

8:18 And a dollar will be worth a dollar!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Jagmeet hung Gordo out last night with his rant about about seeing older white men fail up all the time. Maybe he is Prme Minister worthy.

Anonymous said...

To strengthen the NDP/Liberal coalition, wouldn’t it make sense to name Gordo as the next Finance Minister?