Sunday, February 24, 2013

Business License Blues

I'm trying to figure out why the District as spent so much time and effort on this business license case.There are countless unlicensed accommodation providers in town yet this guy has been singled out although he wants to pay for his license.He had one last year........from what I can gather he hasn't been charged with being over capacity.He has had problems regarding his sign........the district runs its bylaw enforcement on a complaint driven basis......obviously somebody has it in for him......


Anonymous said...

That's why I comment anonymously.Otherwise you will be put through the grinder.Why do they ignore the illegal vacation rentals at the Shore ? South Chestermans ?

Anonymous said...

They do not dare to tackle the big guys like the Shore but they throw the book at the small operator.
I don't think the bylaw officers should be entitled to view all of your house. They should just check the guest rooms. How sad that these days you cannot even run a B&B without having to hire a lawyer to keep the district at bay.

Anonymous said...

What's going on with Jack's property? I know he wanted to get some approval or another forever now. Why is that gorgeous chunk of Tofino off limits? Any updates Jack? What have you been facing? Maybe you've already gotten your permits (hopefully!) and you're going to be underway this season.

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like the inspector is operating within the rules......and the property owner is acting in a secretive and obstructive manner (like he has something to hide). This dump is an eyesore and probably a fire hazard anyway, so shut it down. Tofino doesn't need slums like this operating as accomodations providers, gives a shoddy image to the whole village.
Shut down those other two so called "hostels" too, before there's a fire and we see a "Coconut Grove" tragedy.

Anonymous said...

I watch this circus, He started off asking Eric if he had any proof of a complaint and he didn't, he asked Eric why he needed to measure the square footage when they have a drawing on file... The guy is a bit optomistic to believe the current council, or staff have any integrity. He is almost an idiot to think they were going to actually side with him. I actual felt sorry for him

Funny moment Josie, tried to explain to Ray, how square footage works...

We are in trouble folks, this is another Sally Mole story!

Unknown said...

Anonymous at 7:42 PM

I am sorry to not have seen you at the hearing today. it is always good to get the facts versus the stories.

As for the dump... hmmm that is your opinion and I will fight for your right to be able to state your opinion.

I do wish you could be a bit constructive. Why don't you post your real name or come and visit.

Here is a great quote for you,

“Fear is the cheapest room in the house.
I would like to see you living
In better conditions.” Hafiz

Take care,


Anonymous said...

I don t think that house looks out of the norm on that whole street. The shore might be new, but to me is as much of an eyesore as the fish plant. THe DOT is singling out certain properties. THere will not be any respect for the law unless the law is even handed. What is the point of applying for business licenses if it only puts you on the radar. It is safer to operate illegal vacation rentals because nothing is ever done about them. I am sure the common excuse will be ``we are lacking resources to be able to tackle this issue.`` Then don`t start unless you are going to hold all acountable. It does breed integrity and trust amongst the citizenry. THis is just another example of subjective application of the political mandate. We need to let the government know that their only job regarding business licenses is objective judgement on the merit of the application. Meaning is the application complete. Is the business within the standards of the labour code. Is the business located in a commercial zoning (if necessary). Does the business comply to existing bylaws. Not who is applying. Not whether it will compete with other businesses in town. Not whether they agree with the principles of this business. Tunnel vision idiocy reigns.

Anonymous said...

Quote from 3:55 Pm....."Does the business comply to existing by-laws"?
......So what is the district to do when the property owner refuses access to the property so this question can be answered?
I agree, there are also other "illegal" businesses operating in the district. There are cocaine dealers operating in the district also. Does this mean that anyone who wants can start dealing coke? Or do we stop the ones we can, and gain experience and precedent, in order to proceed against the others in the future?
.....a slum, is a slum, is a slum.

Anonymous said...

Sure like it how council asks DOT to work with the Shore!

We need a new council, I vote for the recall Act! Lets recall Dorothy first, Anderson 2nd..... Cathy.... Ray...

Anonymous said...

I think, as long as the safety codes are met, it is up to the customers to decide whether they got the service they paid for. If not, they won't come back, write on trip advisor or something like that, about their experience, etc. The business will succeed or fail on is own merit without the government getting unduly involved.

Naturally, I do not know exactly whether or not the bylaw officer acted properly, but obviously the owner has to prove that the safety and labour codes are met.

Just at a glance, one could come up with countless examples of the laws being applyed subjectively just within this issue. Cocaine dealers be damned. We are talking about b and b, vacation rentals, hotels, etc. here. The shore is an obvious one because it has been known that it was specifically designated in its zoning as not another fred tibbs. Almost as soon as it was built, people started contravening the bylaw in this respect. And it has been known for a couple of years. So the citizenry sees the inconsistency of policy application.

Ralph Tieleman said...

Hi, I got your comment but without proof I can't print it. Sorry , Ralph

Anonymous said...

No worries Ralph. You did invite responses to help with your not knowing ("I'm trying to figure out why the District as spent so much time and effort on this business license case") and all I did was try to shed some light on the case.

The Tofino Bylaws Department and Council are not particularly efficient. For them to take this this far indicates that something is so egregious that even they can no longer ignore it.

The owner of the "Guesthouse" is, by a wide range of opinions in Tofino, not a very nice person. Ask around and you might be surprised by what you hear.


Anonymous said...

Couldn’t agree with you more Andy - You hit the nail on the head!!! The owner of the Guest house has quite the reputation in Tofino.