Friday, October 30, 2009

Oct 30,2009 Mayor Fraser holds secret meeting

Today I was thrown out of Tofino Council chambers by Mayor John Fraser.....I was told that while a meeting was scheduled for noon that it was a private meeting with admission by invitation by the Mayor only.......Upon protesting my expulsion I was told by the Mayor that he didn't want " You and Schwartz turning this into a circus" No one named Schwartz was present at this time......
I was assured that this meeting wasn't about Development Cost Charges . The Mayor demanded to know who told me about the meeting ....I replied that meetings held in Council Chambers should be public unless they are Council meetings held in camera.......
Anyone with knowledge of this meeting is requested to contact me at 250-725-3428 or by commenting at this site......
Seen attending the meeting were Chris Lefevre,Keith Gibson of Yewood Properties and Linda Pettinger......
Speculation is that the meeting had to do with the District's problems with the sewer seems that it is in danger of being over capacity....rumours of a development moratorium continue to circulate.......
Thanks for all your calls and emails regarding the staggering increase in Development Cost Charges and water bills....I'll have an update on these issues soon.......