
Sunday, December 10, 2017

Dec 14 Council Meeting

Please find below links to the December 14th Council meeting agenda.

This agenda includes the following items:
-          Proposed TELUS Cell Tower at 1440 Pacific Rim Highway
-          Proposal from the CARE Network to provide animal control services
-          Zoning Amendment Application for 210 Neil Street
-          Official Community Plan Amendment from Woodsmere Holdings Corp. at 825 Campbell Street
-          Special Event Applications for the Love Your Beach Cleanups and Polar Bear Swim
-          Main Street Phase 3 Design
-          Council and Public appointments to District and External Advisory Bodies

And more. Please review the full agenda package for details.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Container Village

This container Village is being assembled at Tin Wis by McKenzie Beach. I will check with TFN on Monday to see who the intended tenants are. Amazing how fast a housing project can happen !

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Ecolodge : Dormitory or Bed and Breakfast ?

Nice to get an assessment of just 1.5 million $$ for over 12 acres of waterfront with a 10 room B&B , a restaurant etc.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Water Restrictions

2017-08-03 Stage 2 Water Restrictions (tw)
All visitors and residents of the District of Tofino are advised that Stage 2 water restrictions are in effect until further notice.
During Stage 2:
Outdoor watering of lawns, gardens, trees and landscaped areas is prohibited except for the watering of food plants by hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off mechanism or hand-held canister as follows:
Odd numbered civic addresses may water on Monday and Thursday between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.; and
Even numbered civic addresses may water on Tuesday and Friday between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
All other outdoor use of water is prohibited except to the minimum extent to remove salt water and provide basic hygienic cleaning.
For clarity, filling or refilling of hot tubs is prohibited.
District of Tofino Water Use and Conservation Bylaw 1224, 2016
For more information, please visit or contact:
District of Tofino Office
(T) 250.725.3229

Sunday, July 9, 2017

New Residential Development

A new subdivision is going in on Gibson Street between Shelter and the school.
No word yet on if Vacation Rentals will be permitted in this new neighbourhood. Good spot for families as it is a short walk to the school.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Vacation Rental Story
While Tofino's crackdown on illegal vacation rentals has fizzled , other areas actually enforce their bylaws.

NDP Tax Proposal

B.C.’s New Democrats are promising to impose a tax on property speculators who don’t pay income tax in the province, which the party says will be more effective than a levy on foreign buyers introduced last year by the Liberal government.
The NDP tax, announced Thursday in the party’s campaign platform, would put a 2-per-cent tax on homes of people whose tax returns indicate they pay little or no taxes in British Columbia.
  This would put an additional $60,000 in taxes on a foreign owned house valued at 3 million dollars or an additional $10,000 in taxes on a $500,000 condo.
What effect, if any, would this have on the Tofino real estate market ?  NDP are currently slightly ahead in the polls.......

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Locals can't get parking passes but offshore residents can.

  For some reason council thinks it is great for non-residents to get parking passes but in many cases locals can't park in front of their own homes.A hippie growing weed up the inlet can park as long as he/she wants with an offshore pass but a local can't use the same parking spot.When I go to Vancouver, I don't get free parking because I don't live there.
Greg Blanchettes says  “I definitely think that the ultimate goal here, and sooner rather than later, should be, ‘Your car gets parked on your property when it’s not in use.’'  Why does this not apply if you don't live here ?
 Almost all cities in BC with parking issues provide passes for local parking.Tofino has it completely backwards and provides passes only if you don't live here !!!
  This is just another part of Council's war on locals.Next election vote for candidates that will defend local rights instead of turning the town into one big amusement park.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Short Term Rental License Rates and Fines

There has been little consistency from the District with regards to rates for Short Term rental operations.In 2005 the fee was $800.00. Then it went down and now it has gone up to finance the investigation of Undocumented Accommodation Providers.In the past few years Tofino has been a Sanctuary City for UAPs but is now reflecting the Law and Order mandate seen in the Trump administration.Fines have already gone out to South Chestermans condo owners .

Vacation Rental Cancellations

 While some vacation rental providers are cancelling bookings to conform with the District of Tofino's bylaws others continue to book illegal vacation rentals .

- Name of Inquirer: xxxxxxx
- E-mail Address: xxxxx@ORANGE.FR
- Phone Number: 610xxxxx
- Check In Date: 2017-08-16
- Check Out Date: 2017-08-20
- Number of Adults: 4
- Number of Children: 1

- Lodging Search Type(s): Vacation Rentals & Guest Houses, Inns & B&Bs

- Further details/comments:
we are looking for an accomodation for 5 people, 2 adults 3 kids 17/15 and 8 years old, we would like if possible to have a flat with a kitchen. thank you for helping us as our booking on airbnb was savagely cancelled

  I was easily able to link to many illegal vacation rentals through the Tourism Tofino website.This includes units at South Chestermans and The Shore.
  Is the District of Tofino really going to enforce their bylaws ? People booking at vacation rentals through links provided by Tourism Tofino have reasonable cause to believe that everything is legitimate. Many illegal units are already booked for the summer. It is starting to look like a high stakes game of chicken between the District of Tofino and some vacation rental operators. Collateral damage will include the reputation of Tofino if hundreds of summer bookings are cancelled.
  This weekend many illegal vacation rental units were full and the losers were those who cancelled bookings to conform with the District of Tofino's bylaws.So far the District has shown that it is willing to do absolutely nothing.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Thursday, February 2, 2017

DISTRICT OF TOFINO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, Municipal Office 2017-February-07 at 10:00 AM AGENDA

Cover Image


Council Chamber, Municipal Office
2017-February-07 at 10:00 AM





Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held January 24, 2017
Recommendation: THAT the minutes of the regular Council meeting held January 24, 2017 be adopted.




Delegation request from Ed Kry and Betty Wilson, Strata Council members, South Chesterman Beach Homes, regarding the Zoning Amendment Application of South Chesterman Beach Homes - 1383 Thornberg Crescent

Delegation request from Madelaine Kelly, Margot Theriault, Michael Frey, Tom Olson, The Shore Owners Group regarding the Zoning Amendment Application for The Shore - 368 Main Steet


Correspondence from Clayoquot Biosphere Trust regarding 2017 Biosphere Research Award

Correspondence from L.Hartzell regarding Short Term Rentals at The Shore


Zoning Amendment Application - The Shore - 368 Main Street (Report from Community Sustainability)
THAT the application to rezone “The Shore”, located at 368 Main Street, to allow Temporary Accommodation use be denied.

Zoning Amendment Application – South Chesterman Beach Homes– 1383 Thornberg Crescent (Report from Community Sustainability)
Recommendation: THAT the application to rezone "South Chesterman Beach Homes", located at 1383 Thornberg Crescent, to allow Temporary Accommodation use be denied.

Special Event Permit Application, Surfrider Pacific Rim Beach Cleanups (Report from Resort Municipality Initiative Services)
THAT a Special Event Permit be issued for the use of beaches at Cox Bay, Chesterman Beach, Mackenzie Beach and Tonquin Park including public parking lots and access paths to organizers of the Surfrider Pacific Rim Beach Cleanups scheduled to be held monthly in 2017, including the following conditions:
         Proof of permission from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations to use the foreshore.
         Provision of a certificate of insurance naming the District of Tofino as additional insured.

AND THAT the District support Surfrider Pacific Rim through the removal and disposal of collected material.

Special Event Permit Application, West Coast Weird Off (Report from Resort Municipality Initiative Services)
Recommendation: THAT a special event permit be issued for the use of the beaches at Chesterman Beach and Cox Bay as well as associated public parking lots and access paths to organizers of theWest Coast Weird Off event scheduled to be held Saturday, September 23, 2017 including the following conditions:
         Proof of permission from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations to use the foreshore.
         Provision of a $500 refundable damage deposit.
         Provision of a certificate of insurance naming the District of Tofino as additional insured.
         Provision of an event safety and traffic management plan 14 days before the event.

Special Event Permit Application, Davidson Wedding (Report from Resort Municipality Initiative Services)
Recommendation: THAT the report titled “Special Event Permit Application: Davidson Wedding May 27, 2017” dated February 7, 2017, be received for information and discussion.

Approval of Expropriation and Vesting Notice (Report from CAO)
Recommendation: THAT, as the approving authority under the Expropriation Act for the expropriation described in the Expropriation Notice dated January 20, 2017 registered in the Victoria Land Title Office under number CA5780245, the Council of the District of Tofino approve of that expropriation.

THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized and directed to, in respect of the Expropriation Notice registered in the Victoria Land Title Office under number CA5780245:
  1. sign and seal a Certificate of Approval in the form required under the Expropriation Act General Regulation;
  2. cause the expropriating authority and each owner to be notified in writing of the Council’s approval of the expropriation;
  3. cause advance payments to made to the registered owners as required under section 20(1)(d) of the Expropriation Act and serve on those owners a copy of all appraisal and other reports on which the advance payment is based;
  4. cause a Vesting Notice under section 23 of the Expropriation Act to be filed in the Land Title Office and a copy of the Vesting Notice to be served on each owner; and
  5. sign and seal the Notice of Advance Payment and Vesting Notice, each in the form required under the Expropriation Act General Regulation.

Committee of the Whole
Minutes: THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held January 30, 2017 be received.

The Committee of the Whole reports and recommends as follows:
Recommendation: THAT staff work with surfrider Pacific Rim to install a cigarette butt container in the District of Tofino.
Recommendation: THAT the draft "District of Tofino Strategic Plan 2015-2018 Update" attached as Appendix 1 to the report "Strategic Plan Update" dated January 30, 2017, be received for information and review.
Recommendation: WHEREAS B.C. Reg. 438/81 ‘Prescribed Classes of Property Regulation’ enables BC Assessment to split-classify two specific Short Term Overnight Commercial Accommodation Properties (strata accommodation properties and ‘bed and breakfast’ residential properties) between Class 1 and Class 6 to reflect the dual residential and commercial use of these properties; and

WHEREAS the regulation does not capture residential properties that are also used commercially for short-term overnight accommodation (known as “short term rentals” or “vacation rentals”), creating a tax fairness issue;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province amend legislation so that all residential properties used for short-term overnight commercial accommodation be eligible to be split-classified between Class 1 and Class 6, and that classification methodology for short-term rentals be developed in consultation with stakeholders.






Recommendation: THAT the meeting be closed to the public pursuant to sections 90(1)(a)(b) and (c) of the Community Charter to discuss matters relating to:
         personal information about an individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent
         personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a municipal award or honour, or who has offered to provide a gift to the municipality or honor, or who has offered to provide a gift to the municipality on condition of anonymity
         employee relations



February 7, 2017
Regular Council Agenda

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tofinonews Sewer Story From 2009

Friday Dec.11,2009

A group of concerned citizens met with Dale Wall, Deputy Minister for Community Services (formerly Municipal Affairs ) to see if something could be done to avert the approaching sewer crisis. It was a very positive meeting and it is hoped that Council and staff will work with constituents in a co-operative manner to get some acceptable grant applications in......Please lobby your council to make this a priority.....