
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Brewery Meeting

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  1. I'll add my voice....... "NO!' Last thing this town needs is more drunks loose on the streets, especially in an area that isn't suitable for such an enterprise.

  2. Kinda like to some kind of consistancey to come out of the District office. Why does an establishment that constantly pushes the rules (overserving) get special consideration. Industrial way is not a place for for this type of enterprise but due to the individuals involved it will go through...biased DOT as usual. Tofino has no rules for some and boatloads for others. A city with growing pains.

  3. The area is industrial and looking more and more like residential/everything.... who needs a planner when you don't follow the plan

  4. There are a number of people who would probably like to have a license to operate a bar (lounge, pub, drinking facility, call it what you like) in Tofino. Some of them are possibly the type of people you'd be comfortable issuing this type of license to. Some of them. Not all of them. Not in this location. Not this time. No.

  5. Hard to take a guy seriously when he walks around looking like half of Jay and Silent Bob.

  6. The District needs a plan for industrial way instead of a new sign. Trucks, equipment, kids, people trying to find a trail perhaps some drunks and no sidewalk. Absolute recipe for disaster and another potential example of promoting non compliance. All parties need to be treated fairly and treated by the same rules instead of this game of playing favorites which has significant financial implications. Revisitng zoning each time someone has a new plan is ridiculous, South Chesterman townhouses, the Shores, our newest campground. If this is how we do business lets forget about hiring consultants to help us with Community Visions and OCPs, forget the planners and why do we all waste time in these processes.

  7. Maquinna bar is closed so it's not really adding an establishment to the town.Hard to believe some people are objecting to a bar when other places are building more safe injection sites and Fentanyl happy places.

  8. in equating the approving of a bar to safe injection sites somewhere else sounds like something a u.s. politician might say.
    we need more drunk people to steal bicycles and vandalize stuff.
    rumour going around the maquinna just sold. the sandbar may ride again! so after the lounge closes at 11 any bicycle near there is fair game to get to the maquinna for last crawl.

  9. Good one !! I was just pointing out that beer is not that big a deal compared to some problems. However :
    Alcohol is the Devil. When you let alcohol into your body you let the Devil into your body.
    I always say that to Snapper !

  10. A strategic error on the part of the Brewery.It should be called a brewing school or something like that as seen by the success of student dormitories.The other error is they should just open and then after a few years the District will give them permission as seen with the illegal campground.Better yet just open and ten years later the District will still be debating the issue as seen with South Chestermans or The Shore.

  11. If bylaw enforcement is complaint driven then you only have to be concerned if there is a complaint and then only be concerned if they act upon it.
    Is this year going to be the year they are going to proactively enforce bylaws they've been doing nothing about?
    Half the issue of enforcement is it takes a while for a bylaw person to become familiar with the town and the way it runs and then they quit and move away.

  12. The bigger issue being missed here is that industrial land is often a target for non industrial uses. Vancouver has a problem in that they allowed their industrial land to have other uses and now there is nowhere to have any industrial work done within the city.

    Tofino has extremely limited land space and to allow the conversion of industrial use land to non industrial usage such as this proposal will lead to problems in the future. First it will be this proposal and then some housing units and then some vacation rentals and then some illegal vacation rentals and then the screaming about the noise or the smells of industrial activities and then the elimination of the industrial zone. Then you won't have a place that we all need to have industrial activity to take place.

    Please council members, and I know you read this, take this reason presented here to refuse to allow the lounge. Once converted it will never again be used for industrial and the town will suffer.

  13. There are illegal housing units in the industrial park.There should be a thorough review of this situation.

  14. If they need a lounge then buy or rent the Maquinna.

  15. Looks like, from the responses here, that there's a big opposition to this proposed application. On the other hand, I recall seeing on an earlier council agenda that the application was supported by a large number of letters signed by neighbors of the Brewery on Industrial Way. Council will not consider your anonymous comments on this blog as they make their decision on the matter. If you OPPOSE this application, it is IMPORTANT TO TELL YOUR MAYOR AND COUNCIL, IN WRITING!! or DROP OFF A NOTE, OPPOSING THE APPLICATION, TO DISTRICT STAFF at the upcoming open house on Thursday.

  16. People complained all the time for the existence of the maquinna and the legion due to noise and drunk complaints. The industrial region does have residents but they are there mostly illegally so it cannot really complain. I fully support the expansion of this business in this area. The reason certain businesses that are technically not industrial are moving there is due to the fact that the locations of the properties fit in to their needs. Be it price, size of space, etc. Everywhere in North America, Breweries are moving to light industrial areas. Technically brewing is a form of production and can be considered light industrial. They want to expand the tasting room which technically now is something else but this does not impose on industrial uses. They own that property and should be allowed to run a business without too much governmental interference. If there has been a multitude of legitimate complaints resulting from the brewery then they should be considered in the decision, but there mostl likely has not.

  17. 1:17pm...... "the tasting room" Ha ha ha...... is that an official alternative fact, or just something you made up? ----- "can be considered light industrial" Sure it can, it can also be considered a social blight, existing only to further the owners quest for financial wealth and a desire to "own the bar" and become a social somebody. And just because one owns a property doesn't automatically justify the establishment of any type of business there that some joker might think is a good idea...... There'll be no opium dens, no pot dispensaries, no safe injection sites, no casinos, and thanks to "too much government interference", no lounges, bars, or pubs on Industrial Way in Tofino.


  19. This town lives in a box that few people are willing to think outside of. We have limited space for anything, commercial or residential and it seems natural that we could tactfully integrate some commercial with industrial use. Many other towns/cities have done this and developed very interesting pockets of town culture; arts, coffee shops,food, breweries, shops etc. Why would that be such a bad thing? It takes all kinds of creative, hardworking, motivated people to open business's in this town that contribute to a diverse, progressive community.

    Craft Breweries offer a lot more that just places to go get drunk. Have you not noticed what's happening all over North America with the rise of craft brewing? Like it or not, the Tofino Brewery plays a major part in this towns economy and tourist activities. People come to this town specifically to go there, it's a craft industry. Why should we not have a few establishments that people can go have some fun at? Oh wait...we want a no-fun, small- town mentality, town.......right.

  20. If you don't like the "small town mentality", then move away, you're in the wrong place, and take your brewery with you, we don't need it here. We got lots of places to have "fun" already: beaches, forests, oceans, lakes, rivers. We choose these types of activities rather than your version: getting drunk acting like a jerk. VOTE NO!!

  21. I am perfectly in the right place. I just believe it takes all kinds of people and attitudes to make a community, and sometimes that means change. My version of fun is not to get drunk and act like a jerk, thank you. I appreciate all the natural beauty we have here also, that's why i live here and have lived here for many years.

  22. People want to sell a few beers from their brewery. The brewery is industrial. Ever been there? Every brewery I've ever been to has had the opportunity to serve more than a single drink to a patron. I don't think this is too much of a stretch to use a portion of the building (that they own) for a beer lounge. I also think it's still pretty Industrial.

  23. 1.17. you will be surprised. i foresee a pot dispensary at industrial in the near future. far from the school which is key. You seem to have some personal feelings against the owner of the brewery. That seems to have an affect on your judgement. And 1:02. you are telling people they should leave tofino just by their opinions of a brewery. And somehow the brewery is the problem> Nah i think this town needs less of people like you who are quick to judge. Good for you with your choice of outdoor activities. wow bro. amazing. not sure if those long walks on the beach have helped much though. i see your vein popping out on your neck.

  24. Bad place for a bar. No atmosphere. Just a place to get drunk..... Should have been allowed the tasting thing though, with restrictions, as an ancillary use to the brewery.

  25. It's Ok to have an opinion. Let's ask someone who actually understands the issue for their opinion. Ask the police what they think about any expansion of alcohol service, anywhere in the district. Any expansion, anywhere, anytime. (These are the people with the first hand info on drunk drivers, spousal and domestic abuse, sexual assaults, vandalism, noise complaints, assaults, thefts, medical emergencies related to alcohol, etc. etc.) A police officer, in Tofino, once told me that 90% of his files were alcohol related. How's that for a "community" statistic!

  26. Just for all to hear. The district is a very "leaky" institution and a complaint in a small town against the in crowd will get back to them instantly. The District of tofino is about as unprofessional an institution as you can have. Sad but true. Just look at what gets approved and what has infinite troubles? Just look at the crabapple ghetto.
