
Monday, February 6, 2017

Public Hearing Announcement


  1. This needs to be stopped! There will be people working in this proposed restaurant.... servers, cooks, dishwashers. They'll all be looking for a place to live, probably here in Tofino. There's not enough housing available to support more business zoning, approving this application will only make things worse. The people who decided to open this restaurant knew full well that they didn't have the zoning when they started this process, this a residential area, not commercial. Shut them down, same as South Chestermans and Shore.

  2. Building commercial buildings in residential neighbourhoods should not be permitted. What about parking? Where are all the customers going to park? and the staff? Cypre Crescent is already totally taken over by staff parking from Cedar Corners, not to mention the new building being put up next door to there.... Or will they simply operate their business on the sidewalk and in the street like the surf shop?

  3. There's no water, there's no sewer, there's no housing, and still these people plow forward with their demands for new businesses, new development, expanded zoning, additional jobs, increased tourism....more more more of everything! Don't they realize that council and staff are "overwhelmed" by these demands? That no "visions" exist on how the community actually wants to proceed on these matters, that "asperations" of the communities dreams are still being developed? Yes, there's an OCP, but that only applies to some people and only at certain times, it still falls on the shoulders of mayor and council to decide which laws need to be followed, and by who, and at what times. All are equal, but some are more equal than others. Still, the greed of these applicants, only seeking to increase their personal wealth, places more and more pressure on council and staff to deal with their selfish requests for yet more residential property to be sacrificed to the wants of commercial developers. That property could be an excellent site for some low cost affordable apartments. Meanwhile, construction continues on the "yet to be approved" project. Curious, how does one obtain a building permit when zoning hasn't even been dealt with yet?

  4. How dare these people planning to open a business in Tofino. Spending money building, hiring people and paying business and property taxes. After investing in the community and taking all the risks, they may make a small profit. Shameful.

  5. this is so dumb.... and just getting dumber

    It is very simple, keep development like this downtown.... furthermore another restaurant that has to make so much money because they close for 6 months of the year.... how many restaurants do we actually need????

  6. The restaurant's civic address is actually on Campbell St. just like all the other businesses in that area not Cypre.
