
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tofinonews Sewer Story From 2009

Friday Dec.11,2009

A group of concerned citizens met with Dale Wall, Deputy Minister for Community Services (formerly Municipal Affairs ) to see if something could be done to avert the approaching sewer crisis. It was a very positive meeting and it is hoped that Council and staff will work with constituents in a co-operative manner to get some acceptable grant applications in......Please lobby your council to make this a priority.....


  1. Council has had 7 years since this story and all they have done is hire a festival co-ordinator.

  2. That's not all they've done.... They also grabbed all the glory for their response to the whale watching tragedy, approved raises for staff, approved raises for themselves, approved increases to property taxes, approved increases to water and sewer fees, approved increases to building and development fees, approved expenditures for district trucks and more trucks and more trucks, attended lots of UBCM gala conferences, blocked countless development proposals thereby creating a local housing crisis, declared a "war on tourism" as a result of this housing crisis.....and they organized the design of a really nice "pick up your dogshit" poster (that was never displayed anywhere).

  3. They bought a 7k speed radar sign that was operational for 7 days
    , but hey, at least the brand new Tofino Healing Center was a low budget operation....

  4. and hired more staff and hired more staff.....

  5. To Council's credit they did hold a few open houses.

  6. Here's the latest balderdash, more new signage coming to town and the removal of all the business signage from public property is being suggested. That after having had businesses pay for all that expensive signage and be forced to use ancient clear cedar for their signs. Mayor announced it on her social media platform tonight.
    Best of all it does not meet normal signage standards and is unreadable.

  7. ........and at the open houses the aucoustics were so poor, there was no PA system, and the participants all spoke in whispers so one couldn't hear 95% of what was said. A total waste of time and a frustrating exercise in non-participation.

  8. Illegal Vacation Rentals Bad, Illegal Hotel Good

  9. Ya, we are screwed. Costs to run the town go up and up and up. More staff, more gov't sponsored festivals and "CULTure". More circuses and spectacle. Has the environment been saved yet? It has been saved so many times, I am exhausted, if it is not.
    Little of substance gets accomplished. The modern purveyors of government are in a fantasy land, living off the accomplishments of the past.
    Strangely, they will tell you it was a time when everything was done wrong, or poorly, in a less than professional manner, unlike the manner in which they operate. Modern, according to professional standard, with checks and balances, with memos and coordinating meetings.

    Yet, here we are, and nothing has changed in decades regarding, lack of parking, lack of housing, lack of water, lack of sewer.

    I grow old.
    Shall we wear our trousers rolled, as we walk upon the beach.
    I have seen the mermaids singing, each to each
    but they do not sing to me.

  10. I agree that the District Council lives in a fantasy world. we pay them to live in a fantasy world. I guess we are in a fantasy world too; things are going to be done; things that absolutely are important to be done will be taken care of.... were going to get some results from our elected officials... they're going to focus on the important stuff.... the quality of life for the residents of the is foremost in our counsellors agendas........ blah blah blah blah blah.
    those damn mermaids don't sing to me either

  11. and in the room the councillors come and go "speaking of Michaelangelo'. Do they "dare to eat a peach". Can they accomplish "anything, anything at all".

  12. In a parallel world to the US twilight zone beginning tomorrow we have our own "twoilet zone" here where we have saved the environment by shitting in it.


  13. The housing crisis in Tofino falls squarely on the backs of the District. Taking years to rezone land for housing and outrageous municipal cost charges to develop housing is a total disgrace and a disservice to the residents of our community. Councillors may own homes, but what about the rest of us living in dingy overpriced basement suites, if we are lucky.

  14. "Please Sir, can I have some more". What did he say..... more?

  15. Ralph

    You are true'ly A "CHIP" of your Father -who worked with McGinnis/Swartz/Saddler who worked
    for everybody , Not Do Nothings that design with 15-20% rip-off. McGinnis built the water,
    to-day 'the MacLeod trail' around Barrs mt to Industrial rd hasn't been flagged ,No More
    Studies Do it
