
Friday, December 22, 2017

CBC Story on CBC


  1. I don't know how much of my tax dollars goes to CBC ...... But if it's $20.00, then that's $20.00 more than it's worth. Both CBC radio and TV should be told, "Pay your own way!, the gravy train is over"

  2. Other tv and radio stations ignore the plight of First Nations and the homeless/addicted . It is important that these stories are told.

  3. I could not agree more with the British Prof.

    One of the mandates of the CBC is to foster national unity. It seems obvious it is currently having the opposite effect.

    For twenty or more years I used to listen to the CBC while working construction and it was very entertaining and everyone tuned in. About 5-6 years ago it started getting so bad. Everything became a victim grievance show. We took a vote and the consensus was to turn it off. The problem was that no one could see anything relevant or reflective of their own lives in the shows. It was as if a vast swath of Canadians who work, pay their taxes, raise their children and go out to play on Saturday, had just disappeared. It is clear these folk mean nothing. If the CBC wants to "include other voices", that is fine, I get it. This should now be very easy. There are about twenty five million of us no longer represented in it's programming.

  4. RE "the plight of first nations". Why is it always the "plight". Just look and you will see they are capable of a full range of human experiences. They play baseball, enjoy their children, and can throw a sick Bar-B-Que.



  6. Hearing other voices is a very useful and instructive exercise. My concern is that the majority of Canadians are being presented as a lot of bigoted assholes.

    Growing up, I can't remember sitting around dreaming up new strategies for how to screw over racial, ethnic or sexual minorities. I do remember hoping it would snow, or thinking about how I could get my curveball to work, or thinking about how I could get to sit next to Christine Pickett in grade six.

    The absence of real information kept us in ignorance, then , just like now, when my generation is portrayed as bunch rascists by folk with a extremeist agenda By not sharing my(our)real personal stories with the listening public, by focusing almost ecclusively on certain voices, the CBC is promoting a distorted sterotype that creates anger and animosity. This is propaganda. It surely suits someones agenda.....not mine.

  7. The more the CBC tries to lecture the masses, the more the masses become entrenched in their 'I don't care' position and turn off CBC because they are tired of all the whining.

  8. Donald J. Trump

    In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!
    4:01 PM - Dec 28, 2017

    At least Twitter allows a variety of opinions. CBC is strictly promoting the left wing agenda.

  9. I liked the Beachcombers. Relic was the greatest.

  10. I liked Peter Gzowski. He had time for everyone and could laugh at himself. The crew incharge today are dividers and haters...

  11. Forest Rangers with Gordon Pinsent.

  12. Gordie Tapp and Rita Mcneil

  13. Ralph stole Relics "Standfield"

  14. Don Messer and his Islanders, with Charlie Chamberlain (usually drunk) and Marg Osborne.
