
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Westerly Story on Multiplex


  1. This is sad. Don't the property owners of Tofino have any greater aspirations or visions of what an ice rink could bring to the community? Do they think that a sustainable water supply or a proper sewage treatment facility are more important? This just simply overwhelms me, I'm sure it'll have the same effect in council chambers. Perhaps the next housing development proposal should be met with a requirement for the developer to contribute an amenities contribution, of perhaps $15,000,000 toward the costs of the facility. That should pass council's approval.

  2. Don't worry. The mayor will be watching this closely. Will support of the project get me more or less votes on my way up the political ladder? Council's stance on the project is already being calculated.

  3. We need a pool as the ocean is too polluted with raw sewage. 💩

  4. There seems to be an inverse relationship with the amount of property tax paid and support for this project.

  5. Agree with you 6:14 This issue is simple. It just costs too damn much to live here in Tofino, already. People can not afford it. Years of tax increases, and Councils inability to economize, keep adding up. Folks 've said stuff it. It cost somewhat less to live in Ukee and they've said stuff it too, albeit somewhat less. And the regional District is cheaper again so a few more of them are willing.

    Besides no one really believes the exorbitant projected costs would actually be the real end costs. Gov't has a way of promising big and delivering enormous. But some councillors will want a "legacy" anyway. So watch out. That is what happened with the so called community hall. That "legacy" doubled in budgeted cost too. They will keep spending your money, for your own good, till you run out of it.....

  6. We have other important prioities to address.

  7. How much has the multiplex spent on studies ? How much to consultants that became politicians ?

  8. Every two bit town on the prairie has an arena and curling rink. Because they do it for cheap and it's community based and people volunteer. Councillors don't want that model. Just like the housing proposals made to council are, in there eyes inadequate, cheap and unstylish for a cool hip place like Tofino. Oh no, what a disaster. The people who work here in Tofino would apparently rather sleep in their cars or some wreck of a trailer than a clean functional apartment that lacks appropriate artistic merit. Let them eat cake I guess. I am so glad council has saved us from such an embarrassing proposal. Imagine some pedestrian housing in Tofino. Oh how we all would suffer so.
    Like wise any rec thing must be top drawer and expensive to reflect how important and cutting edge we are and a testament to our vision. Oh! the concerns of the truly privileged.

  9. With this crew Tofino is becomming a Shithole

  10. I am against an ice rink out here. towns in the prairies have ice rinks because they do not have much else, sorry flatlanders. We have such a rich amount of amenities already. I would suggest a modest pool within the township of Tofino and ukee. That makes sense as a lot of people do surf and learning how to swim is somewhat of a necessity. Ice skating would be nice but it is such a cost exorbitant amenity with expensive upkeep. We are living in the tropics of Canada after all, unlike the rest of frozen Canada. They can have the ice skating, we have the surfing and skateboarding and paddling and boating and old growth forest exploring and beach running and soon safe long distance cycling, and mountain biking etc. We are fine. This project just makes no sense, sorry gord. I am fine with the beach cleanup initiative but this is just frivolous.

  11. According to gord johns, our self proclaimed community leader:

    "The people spoke. They spoke in 2012. We don’t need to do another referendum"

  12. Well that's it then. I've decided. If Gord Johns is for it, I'm against it! For sure, some parasite has found a way to fill their own pocket from this project. The only solution that protects the interests of the people is for there to be no multiplex project whatsoever. This might have been a good idea initially, conceived and supported by local volunteers, and supported by members of the community that actually are members of the community, but that's all changed now. Now the various levels of government have taken over. Now, like noted above, it's all fallen into the shi#hole of greed and corruption. This dog don't hunt.

  13. Re:8:37AM Have to agree. Having lived on the Prairies for 20+ years, most residents would be a happy to trade an ice rink for a beach and surf.

  14. Gord Johns has shown his commitment to Tofino. He has worked tirelessly to fundraise for the Multiplex so that it won’t be a burden on the tax payer. It’s volunteers like Gord Johns that will makes this dream come true.

  15. Yeah he moved away like many of the rest of the temporary residents who voted for it.

    Does anyone know for sure if any of the temporary residents were paid to go and vote?

  16. Gord Johns had a way of sucking the most out of town. He was paid the most we have ever paid for a chamber Gm and did the least work...he hired a real professional to write his emails :). He took the multiplex cheerleader job for the money. We now pay him $167,500 a year plus expenses to do what? promote cycling? I have never seen Gord ride a bike but I'm sure it happened for a photo. Evil Guy...nope just a career money pit. The Multiplex is a nice idea that just costs way too much...kinda like alot of things we just cant afford. Josie I hope you are listening.

  17. Gord Johns has done more for the West Coast than all you anonymous haters. As seen in the newsletter he has maintained a close relationship with the mayor. He gets paid a pittance compared to what his skills are worth in the private economy. I , for one, am grateful for his sacrifices.

  18. He couldn't cut it in the private economy. His salary is really a form of welfare. He'd be in the streets without it. Poor bugger.

    He has put us on the map though. Check out Google Earth. Their little man that you move around the world will soon be in the image of Gordo on a bicycle. YeeHaaa!.. Gives the Alberni "riding" a whole new meaning. No wonder he signed up to ride.
