Friday, January 6, 2023

Employment Opportunity



Anonymous said...

this is to inform you all that because you are too stupid to think for yourselves to form rational thoughts & ideas, this position will do it for directed by the ministry of truth union. disagree and you will be sent to special camps for re-education.
seriously the time has come to put a stop this nonsense boondoggle at taxpayer expense., who dreamed this crap up?

Anonymous said...

Who dreamed this up.....the last person who was hired

Starting to look like the minister of propaganda. They need one to justify and protect their jobs.

Anonymous said...

There's dozens of 'em, and there's more and more of them arriving constantly. They sit on their screens 40 hours per week, dreaming up the kind of spending and "work" that you see being created. Some of them get paid over $100K to do this. They produce so much paperwork and so many "reports" that it's impossible for one person to ever keep track of it all. They do this on purpose, in order to conceal and confuse and to keep themselves looking busy.

And don't forget..... This is all to serve children, families, and seniors. Spin.

Lies. It's to serve the staff, and to protect their overpaid positions. Period.
Only mayor and council have the power to do anything about it. Good luck.