
Thursday, November 24, 2022

Tofino Housing Story 


  1. Headquarters North, Headquarters South. Lovely.
    Can't wait to see what happens next.
    Can't wait to see these affordable apartments.
    Can't wait to see people living there.
    Among their neighbours.
    With their dogs.
    f'n zoo.
    Before we give this guy any more money let's have a look at how the current project turns out.

  2. I guess they won't build these duplexes cause they won't make enough money. These not for profits whine and snivel worse than any developer ever did. Whole thing is a sham. Developers take risk. Not for profits can only work when everything is handed to them. Including all the land, capital, exemptions, tax free status, you name it. What do they actually bring to the table? Answer... enough bullshit and spin to mesmerize some stupid councillors. That's it folks. They bring BS and spin to the table. You, you taxpayers are simply grist for the mill. YOU front everything else.

    And a private sector developer offers to build almost the exact same thing, at no cost to the public, in fact the town would reel in lots of cash, and he get's sneered at. They have their heads so far ....well... where the sun don't shine, they can't see straight.

  3. Once again a great deal of money has been wasted by this councill and others putting their trust in someone who doesn't know what they're doing but tells the council they do.
    Then they are allowed to make grand financial decisions that have no basis in reality, or at least not much.
    For the self reported expert on development and affordable housing to not realize that the proposed duplex units were simply too big for affordability is a bit dumb. The alleged expert did not bother to ask anybody in the community what the particulars should be for an affordable home.
    Ask the builders, ask the realtors, ask people who live in 1500 square-foot houses, ask the mortgage broker what things look like as far as paying for them......... Even with a mortgage helper suite.
    Ask a couple who lives in 1000 ft.² with two children.
    After you've asked all these people then you might better be able to plan something that really is affordable instead of wasted a bunch of everyone's time and the districts money dreaming up things that do not work

  4. Who is on this committee. They should all be sacked. Tofino, learn from your experience.
    Is there a carpenter? a builder? Someone who has actually put their own money into a development. No Just politicians, social workers, and their hired BS artist.
