
Monday, August 19, 2024

Tourism Story 


  1. When Horgan first got elected and began his assault on resource based industries, he was touting that BC would become a leader in tourism. He lamented about how it would provide sustainable jobs, grow the green economy, enhance entrepreneurship and so on. Fast forwards seven years and the same party is doing everything possible to destroy this industry as well. When are Osborne and Johns going to grow a spine and start to speak out in support of the working class. Not everyone can, or is lazy enough to have a public servant job.

  2. Begore long there will be bumper stickers on island vehicles that will say " Lord, please let there be another tourism boom and next time I promise not to piss it all away"

  3. Don't worry, "over-tourism" won't be a problem here for long. The word is out: It's a hundred bucks for lunch and five hundred for a place to sleep tonight! The golden goose has it's head on the block, we just need a little bit more "planning and sustainability" to finish the job. People WILL stop coming here.

    1. They will never stop, but only the wealthy will come!
