
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Whistler Vacation Rental Story 


  1. Hmmmm.....$3,000.00 isn't a lot, but it's a nice easy chunk of cash, especially if they'll go for the 900% increases!..... How can we set this up so it lands in the pockets of district staff, not in the taxpayer's general revenues?
    Just issuing a ticket and having the property owner pay a fine won't do it, no conflict, no confusion. We need to muss things up to create the opportunity to fix it.
    Memo to staff: Let's re-think this and get the maximums increased, and rewrite the whole thing to create a bit more possibility for billable hours from staff.

  2. Fully support the $3,000 fines here too

  3. The BC hotel association lobbied the government, paid for the study and declared total victory for their corporate multinational clients in an email bragging that the government had adopted all of their report’s recommendations to limit vacation rentals. This vacation rental law has nothing to do with housing and everything to do with protecting hotel profits. How much was the NDP paid? Was a local manager of LBL involved with writing these recommendations? Was our local council influenced by the BC hotel association or LBL? Did Tofino do an economic impact study? What's the real reason council opted in when DOT advised to wait? Something doesn't add up. Here's a short read....

  4. I’m just really hopeful that UBI will be retroactive. I’m middle aged and haven’t really ever had a taxable income. The last few years have been good to me. I have free housing, collect welfare and have access to safe supply, but I don’t have a pension. Hopefully this will be part of the NDP platform for the next election.

  5. while everyone is screaming and crying about the district regulating VR use it appears that the hotels gloat about the situation. They would like it if there were no other allowable accommodations here besides hotels which would be full 80% of the time. If you consider that the only people wanting or going to build hotels here are people with lots of money who don't intend to live here...... But we don't have enough water to be able to provide any large scale accommodation properties with reliable amenities. The next lobbying exercise we may see is a hue and cry about getting more water which, by the time consultants are done with it, would cost the taxpayer untold millions. At this point the equation is fairly simple. Why would the tax payer want to pay for an increased water supply so more hotels can be built and maybe a few houses? Pretty simple answer. I don't and nobody else who lives here does either. So unless the government or the hotel association or some other benevolent organization is willing to pay to solve the basic problem of greed, its probably is a good idea for the district to initiate a slow growth policy. If it's anything like sustainable development or smart growth which in practice means, nothing gets done, then I think we're fairly safe.

  6. To 7:18 You don't follow events very closely. Lots of commercial expansions have been approved in the last decade.....The only thing that has not been approved is for any subdivision of land for market residential housing. The reason given years ago and continuing is the lack of water....Of coarse what this has done is exacerbate the housing shortage. So many VRBO's has exacerbated the housing shortage as well... So your only about 15 years too late with your argument. So go ahead and stop water supply and the rezoning of land for housing development. Properties already zoned for commercial use have ween given the green light for some time....Club Z, Cox Bay Campground., Pacific Sands Resort doubling in capacity, and others ...and nothing rezoned for residential use in decades....."Why would the taxpayer want to pay for an increased water supply so more hotels can be built. I don't. But if we can expand the tax base with more housing it might keep a lid on rising assessments which have gone through the roof, significantly increasing property taxes..... So our taxes as well as entry level costs for housing are exploding....or haven't you noticed. Do you want tjhe status quo???? Try again with your analysis..

  7. To 9.17 You have outlined some of the complexities bedeviling Tofino. Councils and staff seem unable to understand or to act. For years they have reflected small minded opposition to housing development. "Save the trees" "Development is bad". The chickens have come home to roost.....Housing is a debacle in "Tuff" while your taxes have doubled. Piss poor foresight and piss poor management. This is not "professional" but do they give a rats ass. They are raking in fat salaries and looking down on us.. Fire them all.

  8. A little off topic; but how many people think that Gord Johns, or any of his party, are some of the MP's that has been taking brides and offloading sensitive information to foreign governments and their agents?

  9. Gordy is not smart enough...some of the pro hamas ones maybe but i suspect they are Libranos.. and its Chinese meddling and India has the potential to mix it up with any party to get at the Kahlistan seperatists operating out of Canada. Anyone remeber the Journalist from india Killed for outing the operatives here? Tara Singh Hayer. Done by the Air india terrorists. high probability they are mixed up in all this.

  10. Gordo is probably taking as many "brides" as he can get his hands on. As for "offloading sensitive information", see part 1 about taking "brides"......Ya he's "offloading" for sure.
    We should vote that guy out. He sounds disgusting.

  11. 6:56 yes, and Jagmeet failed to denounce the Air India attack.That and the NDP parachuted him into Burnaby to win his seat. The lower mainland is totally infested, so it’s not hard to imagine he is involved. Gordo is a vote puppet for Jagmeet, so you have to wonder how he might be getting played as well. I agree he isn’t smart enough on his own accord, but he is dumb enough to be played.

  12. Who believes Jag meet, MP Gordo, or MLA Osbourne or even Mayor Dan for that matter are any part of a solution to our problems. Housing shortages, serious inflation on basic living expenses, food, fuel, rent if you can even find a place. What percent of the town are living in abandoned campers or under a log. Some of this has been going on for decades. Locally, these are the folks who caused these problems. or at minimum exacerbated them. Now here is a link to a "Puff Piece" in the times colonist.

    There is an election coming up in B.C. The MLA has apparently prompted the newspaper to report on something that she wants to take some credit for.

    In her terms on council, local property taxes near doubled. Not one private sector housing development was approved. Though hundreds of housing units where applied for....You see those private sector proposals all had the stench of business.......the stench that someone might make a buck,...It didn't matter that hundreds of Tofitians might be housed or at least have options. It didn't matter that the increased housing stock would or could moderate the ridiculous local tax levels or contribute to the costs of infrastructure.....
    The only thing that has been approved in near twenty years is a gov't funded , subsidized, expensive, restrictive project that made money for the consultants, kept bureaucrats in their jobs, is ugly site use, and to add insult to injury....can't even compete with "Sin City" for low cost housing.
    And now they want you to remember who they are come election. I will remember.

  13. as long as it says 'eco' in front of whatever it is, that means a win-win situation for anybody connected to Eco business and whether it be politicians filling their friends pockets or climbing up the political ladder and filling their own. No shortage of those people in Tofino/provincial politics. on up to Ottawa where lots goes on that we can't see. Eco politics is pretty disgusting.
