
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Beach Fire Ban Story 


  1. This is an interesting news story because it documents a rare occurrence. Tofino council having a vigorous discussion of an issue from various perspectives. To their credit. Unfortunately it also highlights that on many issues and it seems particularly large important ones, council falls into a semi comatose state followed by general staring at the ceiling and little discussion actually occurs.

    This phenomena has been in evidence for generations and has been studied by medical experts. It has officially been given the name of the "Fluorescent light Syndrome". There is something about those lights in the ceiling at council chambers, that seems to prohibit speech or perhaps thought itself.

    The first note of the phenomena,a historic occasion, dating back some 35 years,according to reports, occurred during a council meeting with only a couple if items on the agenda. One item was the location of a bicycle rack capable of holding erect, four bikes in the main downtown area. Every councillor had strong views, on it's exact location, the impact to pedestrians and nearby business, traffic concerns and the general image and presentation of the rack itself. Was it too ostentatious. or even presumptuous for a small town. The debate raged on for 90 minutes before the matter was tabled for further study and recommendations of a sub committee.
    Fortunately campfires were not on the agenda that evening.

    The next item on the agenda was an 11 million dollar Federal grant for water and sewer, that required an amalgamation of two political areas, The village of Tofino and the Clayaquot Waterworks District of the Regional District of Alberni Clayaquot. the land use plans for Mackenzie, Chesterman's beach and Cox Bay to direct engineers in the matter of pipes, where and how big, and numerous other details.

    Councillors looked to the ceiling to the lights, straining for comprehension, for insight and meaning. Who could grasp the significance of such a thing. And straining for words. General silence ensued until someone muttered "well I guess we got to have it? I'll move first reading". I'll second said another, the vote taken and the deed was done.

    Now we are discussing campfires and everyone has strong opinions, great.

    Here is the point. Too often important large issues get no discussion at all from our current crew. Pass a bylaw to borrow 25 million bucks, no discussion in front of the public ....done. Raise your taxes by 53% in a five year discussion in front of the public....done. And on and on. There are large challenges facing the community that rarely get adequate discussion. Fill in the blanks How about overcapacity? Next time you create your strategic priorities, councillors, don't do it in private, lets have the discussion in public.

    "Please Sir! can I have some more?" said Oliver Twist. It has taken us a few hundred years to realise he was referring not to porridge, but to discussion.

  2. Council has failed under Josie Osborne. Very simple to see. Financial failure combined with very expensive pet projects. And how many years did the Botanical Garden engage in significant business activity and not pay appropriate taxes? Air B&B, event rental, hotel, restaurant, and so free for years, not contributing. And never looked into by DOT staff despite requests. And now we will have a mayoral candidate that doesn’t live in Tofino and doesn’t pay tax in our town. Please people let’s not make the same mistake again. We can still save this town but it will take hard work and engagement. Not virtue signaling and ideological fluff.

  3. Well said 10:10. It saddens me that no one seems to care or even pay attention to all the obvious corruption and back room deals that have been going on under Josie and her administration. The basics of our community have not been met in over 10 years. Instead its been all fluff and pet projects that all have legacy costs . When the people/citizens do speak up and oppose a pet project it still some how gets pushed thru. Now council seems to all of sudden care to find out if we have enough water to allow the development of Woodsmere. What about the THC housing why is that one ok?? Where was that question or concern when the Surf Grove, Hotel Zed , Duffin Cove , Maquinna , and CBT ( that was not zoned commercial and all of a sudden it is , the previous owner was refused the zoning but the CBT was not??? and the local residents strongly did not support it) and other commercial properties and subdivisions (they all use water??) . I understand some of those properties had the zoning to expand with out question, but obviously the question needed to be asked and maybe Josie and the Administration should have not allowed some of the expansion's at this time. Josie and the admin have known for years we need more housing and not nightly rentals.
    Why all of a sudden does the Admin, council and Josie care about Tofino's carrying capacity?? The Woodsmere's project is definitely not perfect but its private money not public funds, and it will house a lot of people wanting accommodation to live here. 2 years ago the district could have worked with them to come up with an acceptable plan, but not Josie and her ADMIN she had bigger and better visions on the taxpayers money.
    Never mind fixing roads, sewer or water, or bylaw needs that they are supposed to be doing with our tax dollars . Josie will get to look back from her provincial seat at us and continue to add her fake concern and care , but in the end we are in trouble here and I hope the residents start paying attention and get engaged and involved . For those of the ones that are Thank you!!! you are not alone but it feels like it.

  4. If you read the Woodsmere article in the Westerly, you'll see that there's no mention from staff or council of anything like "OK, how can we help to clear the path to allow these people to provide Tofino with some much needed housing?" No, instead it's all about "How much can we gouge and blackmail out of them in amenities and DCC fees?" The greedy bastards even say that "cash" would be nice. Yeah, cash that they can then insert into their fat District paycheques.
    Or maybe some free units, that they can then sell and give away.

    And the taxpayers? As usual, they get lies and excuses and fabricated "facts"...and screwed!

  5. Councillor McMaster's comments in the beach fire story nicely sum up the attitude of some members of this council. Quote from the article (quote McMaster)

    He also suggested that council cannot always oblige community feedback.

    “I’m sure if I said, ‘Let’s see what the community thinks about abolishing property taxes,’ I’d get a very positive response. That doesn’t mean to say that it’s the right thing. I think we’re put on this council sometimes to make the hard decisions that are the right decisions,” he said.

    By saying that council cannot always oblige community feedback, he clearly indicates that he could care less what the people that elected him think. Isn't Council supposed to do exactly that, oblige community feedback? I've forgotten what it's called when those in power feel zero obligation to listen to what the people think... oh wait I remember now, it's called a Dictatorship.

  6. let's be real here. Tofino council IS the gatekeeper when it comes to housing, and they have done nothing to offer any new opportunities for home ownership. Saying your not wanting to be the gatekeeper is some sort of freudian slip, cause that's exactly what has been going on. I don't remember any disscusion about "capacity" when they voted to rezone for their so called affordable housing scam. I guess the people who rent those units will never go to the hospital or have kids who need to go to school. What a pile of bullshit.

    Here is my bottom line. There are people in politics, and some of them are on Tofino council who will never be satisfied until they can control every aspect of your life. They will decide what housing is to be made available to you and now they will apparently decide whether you even want it or not.
