
Friday, July 31, 2020

Stage 2 Water Restrictions


  1. There's no need for water restrictions. We've got lots of water, enough to easily supply an additional 84 unit housing development. I know this because Mr. Scott, the administrator of The Tofino Housing Corporation, said so. Mr. Scott wouldn't lie, would he?

  2. Cars parked for thousands of meters down the highway this weekend. Parking lots are a crush and beaches are crowded with day visitors. Many of them camped out on the logging roads after spending the day on the beach in Tuff City.
    It is laughable. We are told there is no water for housing,and water restrictions are announced for us, but no metering for day use visitors. DOT doesn't even know how much is going for these purposes. Tofino ain't so Tuff after all. Everything is free. Free showers, bathrooms, free parking, and facilities all maintained by us, at no cost to the travelling public. It is not surprising that capacity has been exceeded. What a deal for thee but not for me. How long can this go on with numbers doubling every couple of years.

    Someone said to me the other day we need more parking at the beach. Really, "we need more parking at the beach". It doesn't matter how much parking you provide at the beach it's limits will be exceeded quickly. Build it and they will come. What we need is to start charging for the water and maintenance and facilities. We need pay parking!

  3. Counted around a 1/2 dozen cars this morning with car campers sleeping in them just in my area. They will all be using the town facilities like our free showers. What is wrong with this picture? Start charging for them. Enough is enough. The vehicle campers do not contribute to the cost of their being here and degrade the quality of life for residents.
    Enforcement with real tickets that are chased down by collection agencies is what is needed. Might even be able to reduce our taxes there are so many of them.
    If there are 100 vehicles, a highly probable number, and they were all issued tickets of $100, that is a possible $10,000 a day of district revenue. After expenses we’d net $5,000 a day times the 100 days of summer we could collect a half million.
    If the tickets were issued per person in those vehicles the number could be much larger.
    The money collected could go to expanding our water supply.

  4. 9:31 what free showers are you speaking of? Also last I checked we were living in Canada, I don’t think there is a mandate on an individual engaging in commerce, that includes buying/renting a property or even booking a room at a hotel. From what I understand YOU don’t own public land, it’s why it’s called PUBLIC land, and as a Canadian with rights who also pays taxes I have the right to use that land within the confines of the federal and provincial laws because let’s face it, municipalities don’t mean shit in the grand scheme of things, plus Tofinos bylaws are a bit of a on sided joke that really only benefit Karen’s like yourself. How about you offer those nice people a place to park on your driveway? Or is it that you’re afraid you might be found guilty of being a decent human being? Either way you’re still as unCanadian as they come. Good day.

  5. We had a guy camping in a mini-Van partially blocking our driveway for the second night in a row.
    I knocked on his window and asked him to move to a campground tonight, but he told me that I don’t own the street.
    When I mentioned calling Bylaw… He started laughing and encouraged me to call them as he knew from previous years that all Bylaw Officers in Tofino do is “Educate and give Tourist Information” to illegal campers.
    Then I was told to go f*ck myself.

  6. @11:03
    Omar, the Free showers are just a stroll from Maltby.

  7. Hey Prince John(9:31),
    Let’s say your math is right and there are 100 campers here daily in the summer. And let’s even say there are 2 people per camper being ticketed. You’re telling me that the 200 people who seem like they already have very little in life and use way less 1% of the towns water supply in the summer months, are expected to pay 100% of the cost of the resorts, residents, and businesses water? You are seriously a gross human being.
    And hey 11:30, I’m glad you found that anonymous button, wouldn’t expect any less from a coward.

  8. Multiple tents on Chesterman this morning with beer cans melted in fire pits and garbage all around. Multiple people sleeping in their cars on Chesterman as well. Call By law. No answer and no return phone call three hours later. Call RCMP. Officer says he is the only one on duty. Nice office for one officer. He says he is frustrated with town and RCMP as well. Mayor is in Victoria. Who is running the show here? This is so sad especially watching a camper use the ditch as his toilette after waking up from his car.
    S.O.S. JOSIE!!!!!

  9. Bylaw too busy investigating Ecolodge and South Chestermans

  10. Omar, did you realize you posted your 11:03 comment anonymous?(coward)

    It was so obviously you, that's why I told you where the free showers are!
    I thought You knew after illegal camping here for 5 years, stinker.

    Good News Tofino:
    Bylaw has been issuing Tickets to Omar.


  11. Omar doesn't pay the tickets, but pledges to match every ticket to support the cause.

    from Twitter June 7:


    "I’ve been sleeping #illegally in #Tofino for the last 5 years. I’ve been ticketed for sleeping, for #SLEEPING. It still continues. I’ve never paid once. Here is my new #PLEDGE, I will match every ticket I receive from here on out to support the cause.


    364 Likes, 104 retweets

  12. If he can afford to pledge money he can pledge to our water system and the other infrastructure he is using as well as to have found a place to legally stay.

    Put in $2 a minute Pay Showers. I'm tired of paying for them and their maintenance.


  13. We are currently spending $60 -$70 million on a trail through the Park, then there is another $3 million plus budgeted for connecting Tofino to the park trail. There is also the little stretch for the Park to the junction that will needed to complete the job.
    a few million more. Someone in Ottawa decided this path was of the highest priority.

    For similar money, or little more, they could have put in a regional water supply from Kennedy Lake. That source could have satisfied the needs of Tofino Ucluelet. Regional District, First Nations communities and National Park for, like, forever. At the end of the construction they could have paved over the line like the existing path from Ukee to the Junction. We could have "killed two birds with one stone". Apologies to bird lovers everywhere. It is merely a figure of speech.

    Was there no regional consultation on this path. Were our regional representatives consulted. I am not against the path, but where is the foresight. Trudeau has crowed he intervened personally to get the path budget through. but what did he know about our needs for water. He just wanted to spend on infrastructure. A path qualifies, get it done, but it is not the infrastructure the region most desperately needs.

    I would say our regional representatives have let us down. There was no foresight in this undertaking and a golden opportunity was squandered.

  14. Yes 10:10AM, You're right.
    But we do have a ban on some single use plastics, a multi-modal transportation plan, a strong message delivered regarding short term rentals at South Chesterman's, a nice dining area in the district parking lot, and a formula for the establishment of a public transit bus.

    We're still pumping our raw sewage into the ocean and there's still no place for people to live......but we can "have a conversation" about issues like this. (We're told)

    Two years into her second term, and it's becoming more and more clear each day that the mayor and her policies are a dismal failure.

    How much more damage will she do in the next two years, until the end of her term, and she migrates to Victoria?
