
Sunday, August 25, 2019

New Housing Proposal


  1. Brilliant! Putting a hi density housing project 50 feet away from a major Salmon Bering guarantees that kids and dogs will obliterate the salmon run.
    Brilliant! This council has already given away any reserve water that was had as well as a very small amount for affordable housing.
    They are now giving away water we don't have. No they don't understand bankruptcy whether it be water or taxes or morals and ethics.
    And brilliant this is not in the OCP as high density residential.
    Just plain brilliant!

  2. Building anything next to the salmon creek is actually a non-issue. The creek could be protected by a fence, but in will not matter. The fish farms have already destroyed most of the local salmon run, and what remains is doomed too, by over population, pollution, and overfishing. Even worse, The Department of Fisheries and Oceans are responsible for protecting the little that remains of the fishery. That pretty much ensures their extinction. You might as well get used to the idea that, soon, the only salmon you'll see in Tofino will be in cans at the Co-Op, or in the freezer section with a label that says "Cermaq".
    Don't forget that we can clean up our side of the Pacific Ocean all we want, but, meanwhile, across the pond, the Chinese are pumping amounts of garbage and poison into the ecosystem that stagger the imagination. And that's your fault: Think "Walmart" and "Amazon".

    Insofar as this newest proposal: You cannot have sufficent housing, reasonable taxation, sensible solutions, environmental responsibility, social justice, and political correctness all in the same package. It just isn't possible. Not in Tofino. It's been proven many times, just look at the history of housing in Tofino for the past 20 years. This town is not capable of agreeing on anything to the extent that would be required to allow this to happen. People would rather be "right", than have a place to live. They would prefer to "fight the good fight", rather than compromise and find some middle ground where everyone, at least, gets a part of what they hold to be of most value.
    Don't sell your tent.

  3. The projects in that location are insane.
    The approval given the day after council received a report on the dangers of flooding in the district. What haven't we learned from other parts of Canada? Why that you don't build in a flood zone.
    First thing that will happen after this fiasco proceeds is that there will be law suits against the district for approving it and someone has a wet unlivable property.

    If the Wick builds them, then they need to be holding the bag when disaster hits it. The units must never be sold and remain only staff rental.
    Then perhaps the Wick wouldn't be so eager to build there.

    Let us not forget that barely above sea level location will drop 2 metres in the coming earthquake.

  4. I thought the warming alarmists on council would be concerned about sea level rise. Are they going to deny the science? How can they claim an EMERGENCY and agree to this site? In ten years water levels are expected to rise up to Al Gores eyeballs and flood half the town. Shame on them. Deniers, all.

    I guess they don"t believe it either. The only thing rising to danger levels are the piles of BS. Just don't step in it.

  5. Here we go again, let's all find an excuse not to allow this project to proceed when there is a critical need in Tofino for affordable workforce housing. Is it any wonder working people are leaving Tofino because there is no suitable place to live.

  6. @7:45 AM. There's trees growing there. They'll need to cut down the trees!!! OMG!!

  7. there is already land by tonquin park that is zoned and just about ready to build on........why suddenly out there?

  8. I agree we need the housing and this option is as reasonable as any, it is just so amusing watching councillors squirm and struggle with their principles. Oh my God does this need a OCP amendment? Wasn't that the reason for rejecting the COOP gas bar.? What about the fish? Oh my God, a new neighbourhood will change things....Da Ya. I hope something changes. Just tune it up a bit and get on with it. ( No VR's. .Intersection needs a left turn lane coming out of Tofino and turning left. there is room for a few more parking spots, not everyone will want to ride a bike in the winter in the dark in the rain.) Then we need three or four more such approvals.

  9. Just look what the private sector can do if given half a chance. MORE SIR! I WANT SOME MORE.

    Scrap the Tofino Housing Proposal further down the road, sell the lot prezoned and save /earn. the Taxpayer a bundle, and watch in amazement.

  10. The Wick would never be approved if it was before Council now - why ? Dangerously close to foreshore & within seismic zone - we need to not allow this latest development without a second unbiased opinion by a biologist - wise use of taxpayers dollars in my mind. Go slow - there are other options for developments of this size.
