
Sunday, December 16, 2018

Whistler Conference and Greenhouse Gases


  1. Tourism should be banned.

  2. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

  3. Oh I think this whole carbon tax is a great idea. Shut down the oil. Shut down the gas. Let everyone freeze in the dark. We must not forget to shut down the beer industry as well. It is filled with all that evil carbon dioxide gas. Can't have greenies and skiers and surfers drinking beer and letting all that carbon dioxide loose can we?
    Just think of all that carbon from smoking joints too.
    Maybe we should all crawl under rocks and die.
    You go first.

  4. or we could try n do our part...conservatism means act conservatively for the benefit of all? Greed is the central issue to our problems.

  5. Why do we have to do everyone else part. We will not be able to even help ourselves with proposed solutions being worse than the problem.

  6. Canada is now being run as a charitable organization. Morality and higher sensibilities seem to be the rationale on most issues. We must "lead by example", honour our obligations to the people of the world, etc. Where is it getting us?

    Forget this "Greed is the centrsl issue to our problems" BS. I want a little rationality. Please. Charity begins at home.

  7. I'm not too sure about this whole carbon tax thing. Sounds like a simple tax grab to me..... But.... On Thursday afternoon, Dec 20th, God gave us his response to Tofino Council's potential idea of enacting some type of "Tree Preservation Bylaw". God said "I'll decide which ones stand and which ones fall, not you." Lets hope the legacy of Thicke and Blanchette goes the same way they did.
