
Friday, September 14, 2018

Election News

Please find below a list of declared candidates in the 2018, General Local Election.

General Voting Day will take place on October 20th in the Council Chamber, Municipal Office, at 380 Campbell Street from 8AM to 8PM (Advance Voting Day is on October 10th).

For more information about the election please visit

Candidates for the Office of Mayor:
·         Josie Osborne
·         Omar Soliman
·         Jarmo Venalainen

Candidates for the Offices of Councillor:
·         Al Anderson
·         Stephen Ashton
·         Dorothy Baert
·         Jason Brown
·         Britt Chalmers
·         Craig Heber
·         Chris Heisterman
·         Stephanie Hughes
·         Eric Kingsley
·         Duncan McMaster
·         Andrea McQuade
·         Tom Stere

Candidates for the Office of School Trustee:
·         Gurmail Aujla         
·         Sandra Leslie
·         Sally Mole


  1. Jarmo would be a great mayor. Deserves a chance. He'll get my vote. At least he seems to have an understanding of exactly what the word "law" means, and who it applies to. Everyone.

    I've seen enough years of Al Anderson doing nothing. Thanks, Al. Bye.
    Dorothy Baert. Visions, aspirations, and still looking for a place to belong. Bye Dorothy.
    ......and Stephen Ashton! No Stephen, not again. Bye
    Half of council has had the clarity of vision to realize that the people have seen enough of them, and are not re-offering. Thanks for just going away quietly. Bye.

    Overall, it looks like we're going to see some new faces in council chambers. I wish them all great success in the job.
    I'll offer them one observation. "Once elected, YOU are the boss, not district staff". You have been elected by the people to represent us for next four years. You cannot be fired. Staff can be replaced at any time, or terminated, or eliminated. Their job is assist you in making your visions of how our village should work translate into reality. If they're not doing that, get rid of them.


    maybe they should look into some kind of thermodynamic energy recovery system for the proposed wastewater treatment plant, clean the poop, clean-ish energy production, clean future.

  3. You know, I always wondered about that....... Seems like, at every council meeting that mayor and council would reach some sort of decision and then would look at the CAO as if to ask him "Is this alright for us to do?"
    Shouldn't it be more like "CAO, we the council want to do this. How will you assist us in achieving our goals?"
    The tail wags the dog? How is that?

  4. Does Baert still live here ? I thought she moved to Comox or Courtenay ?


    so who here likes lego and solving the housing crisis?
    could be a cheaper than the 40000$ tiny home

  6. The sane ones may be the councillors who are giving it up. What madness drives someone to do this for twenty or more years. Do they see themselves as indispensable. Is the ego and identity so wound up in that dreadful council business. Doesn't seem healthy at all.

    I suggest we give Anderson and Baert the rest they deserve and save them from themselves....McMaster gets one more term and then out to pasture....

  7. Jarmo seems like a one trick pony. Too much smoke. However I do agree with the way the law seems to be applyed differently for different citizens, jurisdictions, zonings, etc. Yet an alpha male attitude for mayor is not what i see as balanced governance. I cannot wait to hear the platforms and opinions of our largest flock of candidates in many years.fear and loathing on the campaign trail in tofino. Here we go. It.s voting time.

  8. I like Jarmo, I have had a few conversations with him over the year. He is always looking for both sides of the story. Any how he wont get in if the votes split. Do get Josie out, everyone is going to have to vote for the guy and Tofino hardly works together.

    As for the other pieces, I am sure there are some who are for the current mayors goals. Weed them out too

  9. If we elect the councillors running for re election, we can expect more of the same. Let's let the likes of Anderson and Baert go, and elect some new people to council. They couldn't be any worse and may just be better with some new ideas and leadership. Remember doing the same things and expecting a different outcome, is the sign of a fool.

  10. Agree 90% with 7:52PM

    EXCEPT THAT Jarmo is a liability. right in some regards certainly (Laws are for Everyone, Bribery and Extortion should be disallowed not turned into bylaw) This man's motivation is petty and retaliatory at best. NOT balanced. and NOT worth the investment.


    Al and Dorothy really oughta GO. Duncan can stay one more term to represent the conservative right "and see this housing project through" because SOMEBODY needs to make their focus.

    Josie - Tom - Duncan - Britt - Andrea - Chris - ???

  11. @11:17PM. You speak of Josie's "experience". To me, that's exactly the problem, we've all seen enough of "The Josie Experience". Spend money, hire more staff, spend money, raise everyone's taxes, spend money. The waste of hundreds of thousands over the needless South Chesterman battle. The continuing lack of housing. The parking fiasco downtown. Still not enough water to meet our needs. The "favors for friends" attitude. And now she's decided to expand her attention to this ICET role as well. Who will be looking after the affairs in the district office then? Josie needs another term in Tofino in order to establish herself on the political ladder as she moves forward in her career. Tofino, on the other hand, does not need another term of Josie.

  12. @11:17PM

    Oh my god, you can't be serious! How short the memories of man are. How can you expect a biologist to provide "any" future for Tofino? Furthermore, she is a hypocrite... her place is illegal!


  13. Too bad Councillors Baert, Andersen and McMaster were unable to attend the Waste Management Open House. I assume they were busy at Whistler at the UBCM. As incumbent councillors who stand for re-election they would have benefitted from the lively discussions. It is without doubt the most important decision Tofino will make in a generation. As a member of the public I learned quite a bit. The point is they might have learned something too, such as how the public is thinking about these things..... Some of the new candidates were there. Credit to them......discredit to those who could not bring themselves to attend. Speaks volumes about the commitment they will bring to the job. Suspect many of them are one issue candidates and how we spend $55million is sadly not their issue.

  14. 8:48PM: You seem to think that the incumbent councilors actually might care how their constituents feel about the issues. Where did you ever get that idea? Once they were elected, four years ago, it was no longer about representing the taxpayers, it then became about advancing their own personal agendas and doing whatever they could to make things the way they personally thought things ought to be. Likewise with the mayor.

  15. Have to agree about Mayor Josie the Posie. She is quite the political animal.

  16. This is absolutely nuts.... they all need to go. All of the existing council has shown little to none interest in what is best for Tofino. This could be a skill set, lack of knowledge or sheer aptitude. The end point is send a message as a tax payer.... The mayor and the council all go!

    I saw this on FB Vent site when the $55million con job was discussed. It looks like a possibility too but will never be considered.
