Sunday, February 2, 2025

Trade War

 Looks like we are in a full scale trade war . How will this affect Tofino ? Your thoughts please. I noted that 98% of farm fish exported from BC goes to USA . What else will get hit ? 


Anonymous said...

Tourism will increase

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's not such a big deal as the media and the politicians are blowing it up to be. Many things remain unknown. Perhaps the border governors, American consumers, and other unheard from interests in the USA will force Trump to abandon, adjust, or otherwise change his plans. Lots of his other great ideas have fizzled. Foreign media appears, this morning, to be portraying Trump as some type of "madman", betraying his closet allies. Public image matters...especially to someone like Trump.

Having said that, our country is teetering on the brink. We are weak, divided, broke, angry with each other, squabbling amongst ourselves. Our leadership is the weakest our nation has ever seen, we're up the creek without a paddle. We've elected a group of left wing dreamers who now struggle to cope with the realities of day to day life, and have no idea how to govern a nation.
Watch out for yourselves, your "leaders" are doing the same, and retiring rich.

Anonymous said...

Wall Street Journal headline: "The Dumbest Trade War in History"

Anonymous said...

Don't worry folks. The governments you elected to look after these types of things are on the job and working hard to....... BULLSHTT!! The federal is porogued and no one in Canada has any representation in their government. We are being ruled by decree of Justin Trudeau, and the provincial government is in the midst of an extended vacation, spending their new pay raise, and not coming back to work until spring. We have no leaders!!

Could our country be in a weaker or more vulnerable position?

tofinomike said...

Should I rush out and buy up all the toilet paper? yeast?

Anonymous said...

Tofino will begin to help business instead of trying to stop it . They will repeal their anti-VR legislation . They will increase the water supply so new businesses can be built . It will become quicker to rezone and subdivide. Building permits will be promptly issued . A Team Tofino approach to the tariffs !

Anonymous said...

Great ideas!! Council needs to approve some funding for consultants to help us to set this all up. Meanwhile, staff can get going on a feasibility study to submit to council for approval. Perhaps something could be put together, at least in a rough daft form, before next year's budget is finalized. First, and most important, do we have the right people to provide this service? Recruting and hiring the best candidates for this project is of the highest priority. Let's get those new faces on the payroll asap.