Saturday, October 5, 2024

Tent City Story 

The debate highlights fundamental differences between the two parties’ approaches to solving homelessness and addiction issues.

The BC Conservatives are focusing on a zero-tolerance policy towards tent cities and drug use, while the BC NDP emphasizes building housing and treatment infrastructure to address the root causes of homelessness and addiction.


Anonymous said...

"The root causes". Ok, maybe 10%, even 15% are mental health cases. The other 85% are people who have decided that they'd rather relax and get high. This has gone on too long. These people are not victims, they're predators. At best, they're parasites. The term "work camp" kinda describes my idea of a solution.

Anonymous said...

Eby has some great ideas of how his government is going to deal with this terrible situation... but wait....they've been in power for four terms...and look at the conditions in the downtowns of our towns and cities. It's unbelievably worse than it was ten years ago. Only when there's an election coming does he suddenly see the urgency of the need for a solution. Eby, you had your chance, YOU FAILED.

tofinomike said...

All the effort seems to focused on "helping" these poor individuals. Help them to do exactly what? Become more "comfortable" in their misery? The majority of these guys are where they are because they CHOOSE to be there. Trying to "help" them only makes you a sucker, they'll take anything you give 'em, and go steal anything else they want. Drunks and addicts are the most dishonest, scheming, lying group of people on earth. You don't "help" them, you TELL THEM WHAT TO DO.
And when you take their drugs away from them, they don't like it. They whine and cry and look pitiful and hope that you'll fall for it....cause they want to find a way to get high, again. They don't want to clean up and change their path, you have to MAKE THEM DO IT.
Go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and ask the old timers there about this. These guys have been there, done that, know all the tricks. You won't find any "sympathy" at those meetings, you'll be told to get your shit together and fix yourself up and you'll find incredible support if you try, but if you don't no one will waste their time or energy on you, you can leave....and these guys are really good at this. Call it "tough love". It works. Addicts hate it.
Governments, taxpayers, normal citizens, are not qualified to do this work, they don't understand the nature of addiction. When they get what you're seeing on our streets.

Anonymous said...

What?!!! You mean I’ll have to be responsible for myself? That’s no fun anymore.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Rustad will deport immigrants that gather and sing “death to Canada” and burn our flag. The concept that our country can survive as a melting pot or a tapestry is another one of the left’s woke illusions. If your going to immigrate to Canada, fit in or F#%K OFF.