Thursday, October 10, 2024

Latest BC Poll from Leger


  • The BC NDP (47%) has regained the lead in voting intention among decided voters over The Conservative Party of BC (42%) for a 5 point lead.
  • This reversal of fortunes is directly the result of the drop in the Conservative vote among 18-34 year-olds (47% to 38%) and women (42% to 34%)
  • Just less than nine in ten (87%) BC residents indicate they are likely to vote, with nearly two-thirds (65%) indicating that they will “definitely vote.”
  • Eight in ten (80%) decided voters report that they are not likely to switch their vote, while just above one in ten (14%) indicate they are likely to do so. However, Conservative voters are more entrenched in their choice than NDP voters at this point.
  • Premier David Eby continues to have the highest individual favourability rating (46%) and best fit as premier (48%) rising a couple points while Rustad has stayed stagnant (38% for both).
  • BC Residents whose top issue is healthcare are more likely to believe that Eby and the NDP have the best plan to deal with their priority issue (40%), while those whose top issue is economy are more likely to believe Rustad and the BC Conservatives have the best plan to address their priority issue (56%).


Anonymous said...

If you are personally dealing with the health care system you would realize that the NDP has had years to fix the broken health care system. Why give them a second chance when they have not dealt with the issues???

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when governments are allowed to bloat the public service. Public job creation has far outpaced the private sector for the last couple of years. Our services are no better, but you know how these leaches are voting.

Anonymous said...

It's so difficult to understand people sometimes. Folks cannot afford to go to the grocery store, they can't find a place to live, they're afraid to walk outside in our downtowns, their kids are dying from drug overdoses, good paying jobs are hard to find, they can't find a family doctor, they wait weeks and months for medical care (if they live), their children are being taught "weird is correct" in our schools, government payrolls grow larger and larger, taxes continue to rise, our province is plunged into unsustainable debt....and still these fools vote NDP.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps those who think they should vote NDP should find someone they know who is trying to obtain health care and ask them what they think of the wait times that the NDP have had many years to fix but instead did nothing about.
And now they promise they will do something about the lineups??? What a joke!!!

Anonymous said...

It's worse than people realize. Most are unaware of the nest of "friends of friends" who have installed themselves as "public servants" in the D.O.T. office, justifying their existances by supplying needed "services", at huge cost to the taxpayer, "services" that no one but themselves and their friends want or have asked for.

For fuck sakes, c'mon. "Playtime for 3-5 yr olds" Shouldn't parents be doing this, not overpaid government employees. That's only one example.

tofinomike said...

Mainstreet Research poll, Oct 11, shows Conservatives ahead 45% to NPD 39%, a six point lead.

I notice that the news is always better for the NDP in most mainstream media reports. For example the Vancouver Sun headline said "Rustad fails in debate". Same way that CBC and CTV always feature Trudeau's "wins", and never miss an opportunity to bash Pollieve.
The media is corrupt, same as the government. Don't put all your faith in anything you read or see on TV, it's most likely planted.

tofinomike said...

I did some research. I got big issues with this "leger" poll. I think it's bogus.

"Leger,the largest Canadian-owned polling and marketing research firm, in collaboration with the Canadian press, conducted this Web survey."
"Marketing research firm", eh? I'd like to know the value of all payments and the terms of all contracts to this firm from all levels of government. Betcha that info don't get revealed.

To me, it looked like half of the questions asked were "loaded", like ,"Do you still beat your wife?" designed to produce the answers they wanted.
I don't trust that they're hooked up with the Canadian Press.
Canadian owned, eh? By WHO?
Who is the "Canadian Press"? Who own's that?

Why are their results so vastly different from other polls?

Anonymous said...

The advanced polls have been brisk, but unfortunately the line ups at the safe injection sites are longer. I wondered if it’s too late to lobby for a voting station at these locations., or maybe the food banks?