Friday, September 27, 2024

Water and Land Story 


Anonymous said...

No surprises here. Normal NDP policy: Throw money at it and pretend that you care.
There's another NDP government agency that deserves looking at. BC Housing has a program called SAFER, "shelter assistance for elderly renters". Supposed to help out low income seniors who rent. Try applying!!, you're looking at months and months of senseless delays, non responses, hours spent on hold, requests for unneeded and nonsensical information.... and then someone tells you, "Sorry, don't really know what happened there".

The ministry is set up to provide ease and excuses for the staff there. When you first contact them you're told, " 6-8 weeks" which turns into 2.5 months, just to get your application looked at. Then the delays and excuses begin....
It's been over a year now, I retired March '23, still waiting.

...then they think they deserve your vote.

Anonymous said...

The NDP should stand for No Domestic Priorities. Time to clean up this mess they have created.