
Thursday, September 5, 2024

Latest BC Election Polling 


  1. Who could possibly vote for the Needles, Drugs and Poverty party. You would have to be a special kind of stupid!!

  2. The real job before us is not cleaning up the mess that Eby created. It’s cleaning up the mess that created Eby.

  3. On the Federal level Johns claims that that his constituents have no appetite for an election, and that he has far more important work to do. Would that be naming the 11 MP’s who are compromised, or being the first in line at the HOC buffet next Monday?

  4. There's a shipbreaking operation in Union Bay that has been advised by authorities to deal with the discharge of unacceptable amounts of toxins into the sea. Concerned citizens there asked their MLA to speak on the matter. They were told that the MLA had no comment at this time, and was busy with other matters.
    Josie Osborne has no comment! She's a f***in' marine biologist! And she has no comment.

  5. Educated or INDOCTRINATED?

  6. A shining example of the pitiful inadequacy of morals and ethics as a result of indoctrination. By now we are second or third generation of Marxist educators whose ideas of socialist society are Loopy. And if it destroys society/democracy the way it is that's great! Today's politicians don't seem to own common sense when it comes to drug addiction, gender fluidity, immigration, homelessness, and poverty… Wrap it all up in climate hysteria and you can do anything. Yes the climate is changing and it always has. and we're doing the best we can but there's no point in being hysterical about it and doing nonsensical things… Like a carbon tax. And why wouldn't a marine biologist/scientist be concerned about toxic chemicals in the marine environments? That's shameful.

  7. It’s f#%king crazy how many Canadians rant about the right trying to control the right to choose, opposing gun bans and being climate deniers; all the while supporting the destruction of Canadian culture and opportunity. Any one with half an eye and an asshole can see that the socialist agenda of the NDP and the Liberals is not working. If anyone can name one government agency that is even remotely efficient please do so, but support it with facts, not MSM propaganda. Every one in the country should be living in abundance, and yet 25% of the population is in poverty. This is on our leaders. Do some research, educate yourselves, have some empathy for those who can’t get healthcare, don’t have a home, live in drug run crime filled neighborhoods, can’t afford food, have no opportunity for a good paying job etc., then get out and vote on the true issues, not the bs your being fed.

  8. Eby walking back carbon tax? The NDP have had 7 years to do it, so why now? Oh right, another election promise that will disappear if he’s elected.
