
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Mayor on Water Situation 


  1. Dan loves the camera.

  2. yes where he can lie to everyone looking so sincere about the water shituation. we have lots. the same day his office Marshall is telling people we are out of water.......but just not today.

  3. Praiseing staff and planning... a bit rich given our current situation.

  4. The wanton destructon of our public parks continues, with Aaron Rogers' plan to turn the kid's bike park into pay parking for his friends, as reported in the Westerly News

    When did council vote to destroy the bike park?

  5. I would love to hear from the DOT about what's going to be done to fix the issue. We are seemingly pretty lucky this year, but will have more drought years in the near future. What's the plan? Even halting commercial development isn't going to do the trick if nothing is done on the infrastructure side.

  6. And they are considering converting the parking adjacent to the municipal hall into DOT subsidized housing......What? and considering converting Bert Demarias PARK (sorry on the spelling) into another DOT housing boondoggle. This was land given to the public for park purposes....Where do they get off on these crazy schemes. Meanwhile acres and acres of land, the former Hubner lands, sits empty and available for housing. Five years of housing proposals blocked by council and it would cost the public nothing These people are crazy.....

  7. Why don't they just build a parkade in downtown Tofino, right nest to the Town Hall...

  8. Council has lost it mind. Time to put this group out to pasture. Nice people drunk with authority, drinking the Koolaid provided by Mr Eby and his "People".

  9. on the issue of water and housing the district office is saying were out of water...... Apparently for any more development including housing…… I don't think the Tofino affordable housing corporation got the message. The RFP the housing Corp. fielded last month only to developers and a few other elites presupposes that one of the applicants, which they have apparently engaged, will build some condos and townhomes on various district properties which unbeknownst to us the corporation has deemed suitable for housing.... Five or six sites mostly in the downtown area which are not currently zoned for multi family or townhome or apartment building. The land value the district intends to give to the affordable housing corporation amounts to several million dollars. The land or the value belong to the citizens of Tofino. It is becoming clear that not for profit entities that have been doing these kinds of things reward their adherents in other ways such as directors fees, employment, as well as some investment security and other mystery work. What seems to be missing from what I can see of the Tofino affordable housing corporation is a budget that we can all see in the interest of transparency and good governance so we know where our money and our land is going to. the RFP is closed so I'm assuming that means it has been awarded to someone. I think some questions need to be answered to the Publix satisfaction. Where is the budget and where is the funding for the budget coming from? Or is this a secret.

  10. To 8:48 One of the best letters to Ralph's Blog.....ever. Agree 100%. Before the last round of publicly funded housing the THC consulted it's lawyers, seeking advice on weather it would be in conflict of interest appropriating water for it's own projects while denying it to other private sector proposals. No private sector rezonings for housing projects have subsequently been approved.

    Even more interesting the references to seeking such advise and the content, the actual advise, cannot be found in any minutes . Gone, like it never happened.

    "Democracy", works in strange ways

  11. The town has very little unused public land.
    To give it away to a Housing group is immoral.
    The citizens need to revolt.
    Ralph could you start a petition?
    Businesses need to provide their own staff housing on their own land. The Tofino Housing Corporation and its sweetheart deals has to be gone forever.

  12. 8:48 brings to mind a few questions: if the district council is aware of the conversion of public assets to monies directed by other parties to their friends and associates I think this constitutes malfeasance?. If not it may very well be theft by conversion.? Or maybe theft by greenwashing? Give away public property without a referendum seems a bit dishonest to me. The motive to keep the Director of affordable housing busy is not the right reason to give away public land.

  13. This increased densification makes sense in larger cities, where the availability of empty land in the core area is next to nil.. Tofino has a lot more land that sits empty, but they won't allow it to be developed by developers... Now they are considering using parking lots and park space for housing. Crazy

  14. 8:48 where can we find this info about the sites being given away?

  15. Some of these comments raise interesting issues. Council gave away acres of public land for the "Affordable Housing" scam and there was no bidding process at all. Just gave it away to a "preferred party". The THC consultant at the time ended up working for the "developer/proponent". Isn't that cozy. Maybe he was working for them all along?

  16. The government is taking care of it.....what can go wrong? How much was budgeted for the consultants to report out on these various properties.
    The THC is getting what?....3 or is it 4% of all vacation rental bookings, through the internet...Looks like they are trying to find ways to spend the money. What a boondoggle.
    Wish there was an election this fall.
