
Saturday, May 4, 2024

Ucluelet VR Story 


  1. This seems pretty logical and how refreshing it is to hear about a council that actually cares about their tax payers and the people who live there. Sounds like the Ukee council actually listens to the locals voice and opinions. I've lived in Tofino full time for over 20 years and never once felt supported by Tofino council. Small business is what makes this place work yet council consistently goes against and treats it like its some sort of enemy. We could all use a bit of support by the DOT. The question for them.... Is ANYBODY listening?

  2. Gotta be fair and admit that dealing with the STR issue was deeply stressful and probably more difficult than Tofino Council and staff were up to facing. Best that they've passed on that burden to the provincial authority.
    Likewise should probably be the parking issue. It's apparent that local experts aren't capable of keeping the beans counted, why not just contract the whole thing out to Robbins and they can kick back whatever they think is fair.
    It's only half a million bucks a year, maybe a million......why all the fuss??

    We're told that the District pays out the big bucks in order to get the best people for the job. The resort water meter fiasco, the leak that wasn't, now the parking that didn't happen, and how many other bungles have we seen from these "best available" staff people?

    Here's an idea. How about a hiring freeze? Might not fix things, but it might stop them from getting any worse, at least for a couple years. No more new staff in the district office.

  3. A tough issue for sure in Tofino. In terms of the hiring freeze suggestion - there is a new "middle management" level in Tofino that seems to be redundant and inefficient in many departments. This came out of a recent restructuring and has pushed many more DOT staff into the upper bracket of plus $75k. Tofino spent $700k more on wages than Ucluelet did last year, according to the Westerly's article from earlier this year.

    Given the amount of work that is outsourced to consultants, I struggle to see where we are getting more value. In a town of our size, it is frankly ludicrous, especially when we are seeing taxes increase to the extent they will in the coming years. Time for something to change and a hiring freeze seems like a good place to start.

  4. Sad situation. The parking could provide the village with a small fortune in revenue, which could be used to ease the tax burden, get started on the water supply, pay down the debt, or even be wasted on streets and sidewalks.
    Instead, the money is lost. Gone.
    Nothing for me, nothing for you, nothing for Tofino.

    Who did this? Why are they still employed in their current position? Seems like at least a demotion is in order. Does this unqualified person still have access to and control of our funds? Why? Who can stop this? I don't want this guy handling my money. Nor yours.

    Where, in the DOT office, is the "Buck stops here" sign posted?

  5. The incompetence staggers our collective imagination. No one thought to add in the COSTS of pay parking in the core area. This is incompetence on a new level. Who is in charge? Sack them now. Sack the lot of them. Keep the most expensive employee....and give them a broom. Then tell them what they can do with it.
