
Friday, April 26, 2024

Home Ownership Story 


  1. Yet we continue to allow corporations and hedgefunds to buy houses and turn into them into rentals. Some of these companies will go into a city and buy hundreds of homes in a day while reducing inventory for Canadian homebuyers and pushing up prices.

  2. Blackstone has a 3.5 billion dollar bid on Toronto’s Tricon Residential. This is big business buying thousands of houses and inflating home prices with the approval by Canadian government.

  3. Just listen to a clip of Trudeau so angry that a whole generation is struggling with home ownership, struggling with inflation and affordability. People can't afford their groceries any more.
    He promised to find whoever was responsible and hold them accountable. He was really dramatic. The gloves are off now. If he ever catches up to who did this lookout. He really means business this time. What leadership and what commitment. What a truly heroic figure.

    His distain for the people and policies that got us here is quite remarkable.....

  4. Ottawa – April 26th 2024 – A new poll from Mainstreet Research conducted this week shows the BC Conservatives leading the NDP for the first time.

    The poll tested two scenarios, the first with BC United and the second using the more established BC Liberal brand. At random, half the respondents were asked the ballot question using BC Liberal and others using BC United.

    Among those asked how they would vote including the BC Liberals led by Kevin Falcon, BC Conservatives led with 40.1% followed by the BC NDP at 33.8% and BC Liberals at 15.8% with the Greens at 7%.

  5. Ha Ha to 8:07. Yes Poohdeau conveniently forgets he has been in charge. It is his own policies and their effects that he rails against. Drama teacher to the end.
