Sunday, March 31, 2024

Prices Going Up 


Anonymous said...

Why do they keep raising taxes.....I thought "budgets balanced themselves".

Anonymous said...

From Blendr News....
"Guilbeault claims that carbon pricing targets big polluters, and if this were the truth, we might even agree with the policy. However, it targets every Canadian. It primarily targets us at home and at the gas pumps, two areas where it's challenging to reduce carbon emissions while maintaining employment to afford these insane taxes and survive the cold nights in our homes in the great white north.

It's also important to note that Canada only contributes 1.5% of global carbon emissions, but this statistic doesn't tell the whole story. According to Statistics Canada, Canadians produce 548 million metric tons of CO2 each year. Canada is also home to over 320 billion trees. One Tree Planted states that a mature tree absorbs 22 kg of CO2 annually. Converting to metric tons, there are 1000 kg per metric ton, resulting in 548 billion kg of CO2 produced in Canada yearly. With each tree absorbing 22 kg a year, we would only need 24.9 billion mature trees to achieve net zero in Canada. Considering we have nearly thirteen times that number of trees, it's evident that the government's taxation strategy is completely unnecessary, and only being used to advance their agenda."

"As the cost of living rises for Canadians on April 1st, Members of Parliament (MPs) are set to receive substantial pay raises, despite widespread opposition among the public. The salary increase, ranging from $8,500 to $17,000, will bring the annual earnings of MPs to $203,100, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's salary reaching $406,200.

A Leger poll commissioned by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation revealed that 80% of Canadians oppose the automatic raise, with 62% strongly opposed.Critics argue that such raises are untimely, given the country's economic challenges, and suggest that MPs should show solidarity with struggling constituents by refusing the raises. Notably, MPs have frozen their salaries during past economic crises, such as during the 2008-09 global financial crisis under the Conservative Stephen Harper government. Despite this, there are no indications of a similar wage freeze in the upcoming federal budget.

With these raises, Canadian MPs will become some of the highest-paid politicians globally, second only to those in the United States. The disparity between MP salaries and the economic conditions of constituents highlights a disconnect between MPs and the financial struggles faced by many Canadians. More

Tiny Thought: Prior to this salary increase, more than 300,000 government employees were already on the Sunshine List, earning over $100,000 per year. In fact, the list has become so extensive that it may be time to establish a new benchmark at $200,000 to restore the significance of being on the list."

Anonymous said...

I thought the Liberals were a bunch of self serving autocrats. That their policies were designed wedge issues to assure a certain percent of the vote. Nothing to do with uniting and bettering the country. Just personal glory and fat salaries. Stay stupid and take the money.

I was wrong.......It is far worse...... They believe every piece of propaganda they put out!

They have drunk the cool aid!

Anonymous said...

Funny to Watch mainstream Media try with every story to support the Liberal Tax tax tax policy...Climate crisis... right, we have a moron crisis in Ottawa.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Gord got an $8k pay increase. He is the hardest working politician ever. Without him and the NDP, can you imagine how hard our lives would be?

Anonymous said...

Like to know how much carbon tax Trudeau paid for his recent trip to Jamaica. If the tax is to "change behavior" it is not working on him.......Tax for you.....freebies for him.

Read recently that Freeland is reported to have flown from Ottawa to Montreal and her chauffer drives the limo to Montreal to pick her up at the airport and squire her around town. Then she flies back to Ottawa and the limo drives back to Ottawa to pick her up.... Carbon tax for you... Insane privilege for the ministers of the "Crown". She touts that she doesn't own a car, as a symbol of her virtue. This system is sick.

Anonymous said...

Liberals and Trudeau announce six billion$$ for housing infrastructure and another one billion$$ for school lunches. More great things your government is giving you, be grateful.

Unfortunately they forgot to mention that the government has no money, so what this actually means is that another seven billion$$ gets tacked onto the national debt. Money that you will now owe and will have to pay interest on. And your kids will have to pay interest on, since it won't be paid off for decades.

Trudeau and Freeland aren't giving anything to anyone, they're just grinding the entire country into deeper and deeper financial misery. Federal interest payments on the debt exceed spending on health care.

Trudeau's "gifts" actually look like this, in financial language (note the minus sign) -$7,000,000,000.00

Don't be fooled, they're trying to buy your vote with your own money.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when your finance minister has a degree is slavic studies, didn't take economics and the PM has a bachelor of arts degree. We are being governed by clowns from the top down.

Anonymous said...

a turd world country without significant violence but the same degree of corruption, like us, can only be described as a clown country

Anonymous said...

Trudeau says the "Carbon (gasoline) Tax" is all about Canadians "learning how" to cut down on the use of dangerous carbon emitting fuels If half of the country gets a gas tax rebate, equal to what they have paid in gas tax, what is half the countries motivation to "change their behavior". Answer.....NONE.... they have no motivation to create less "pollution'. So the purpose of the gas must be to encourage half the country to vote liberal by giving them back their own money. This is Trudeau's brand of idealism. Buying votes with your own money. Look....Look how much Trudeau is letting you keep your own money......That is worth a vote eh!
He thinks enough Canadians are stupid enough that he might get re-elected. You have a choice to make.

Anonymous said...

$4 dollars for a small size zucchini at the Coop Now tell me inflation is misinformation, just a right wing conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

From Blendr news...

The Trudeau Liberals are making big money promises to fix Canada's problems. However, a new Nanos poll reveals that only one out of five Canadians trusts them with our money. This trust has dropped from 28% in April 2021 to just 19% in April 2024. On the other hand, the Conservatives have gained trust, rising from 23% to 35% during the same period.

The Liberal Budget

The Trudeau administration is set to unveil its 2024-2025 budget on April 16th, with early discussions already revealing significant spending. These include a billion-dollar investment in a national school food program, along with $1.5 billion for a rental protection plan, $6 billion for new housing infrastructure, and $15 billion for apartment construction loans. The ironic twist here is that all this money is being used to address the affordability crisis that Trudeau himself is responsible for creating.

Current Polls

In terms of election polls, the Conservatives have had a strong lead over the Liberals for a while now. The latest update from 338Canada shows the Conservatives with an 18-point lead, and if an election happened today, they'd win a majority government with 210 seats, compared to the Liberals' 63.

Anonymous said...

Trudeau is getting desperate. Almost a new proposal a day leading up to the budget. Most of it trying to reverse the mess he and the liberals have created, while simultaneously trying to blame the Conservatives, as if they were the ones in power for the last 8 years
It is time for the "budgets balance themselves" surf dude to go.( He discredits real surf dudes). But I suspect he won't read the writing on the wall till it smacks him in the face.

If you value our country, that is being dismantled daily. Look up.... Most recent revelations about Chinese influence in the last election. Corruption the Liberals were aware of but buried because it favored them. Subverting the coarse of justice for political purposes. Individual rights mean nothing. Apparently, the only thing that matters is the odious Liberal cling to power.

The most important vote in recent history is coming. Vote for Canada. Vote the bums out.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the Lavalin affair. Sack the Minister because she is trying to challenge criminality. It might cost liberal votes.....Sack the Minister.

What a disgrace Poodeau. Resign

Anonymous said...

The Prime Minister responded today to "suggestions" that the rising cost of living, food, housing, gas, taxes....just about everything, is hurting Canadians. He shrugged and explained that "some people experience thing differently".

Anonymous said...

@4:07.....that was his same response in the groping allegations back in 2018.

Anonymous said...

Hard to tell when some commentors are doing parody and when they are being straight. I guess it is an easy confusion when the subject matter is so rich.

Anonymous said...

Justin Poodeau

Anonymous said...

The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) issued bonuses to 98% of its workforce last year, totaling over $27 million in 2023 alone. Since 2020, CMHC employees have received a total of $102 million in bonuses. The average bonus amounted to approximately $11,800, with over 2,000 staff members receiving pay raises in 2023. Additionally, 1,073 CMHC employees earned six-figure salaries, costing taxpayers $140 million. The corporation's executives received $4.1 million in total compensation, including $831,000 in bonuses. These revelations have sparked criticism from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), questioning the alignment of these bonuses with CMHC's goal of housing affordability. The CTF urged Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland to stop rewarding failing bureaucrats with taxpayer-funded bonuses. More

Tiny Thought: The CMHC is the same group that promised to build 672 homes in seven communities, however, after 8 years, only 12 homes were completed. This project, which achieved less than 2% of its target, started in 2015, the same time Trudeau stepped into office.

Gord Johns and the NDP support The Trudeau Government. A vote for Gord Johns is a vote for Trudeau.
Josie Osborne and the BC NDP Government support the policies of the Trudeau Government. A vote for Josie Osborne is a vote for Trudeau.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Island folk would vote NDP even if the ballot only listed the party and not a name. Not sure if it’s because their parents did, or they believe in unions, or if they really believe that government programs are “free”. Indoctrination has been happening in schools and colleges since the early nineties, so many are brainwashed. Others don’t have the time to educate themselves, but rather listen to the indoctrinated, or worse yet, the state media. The real hard cores follow Gord on Facebook and X. Here they can echo his ideologies that suggest that only the government knows what is good for you and that the public sector is the only entity that can deliver the programs. If you take the time to fact check his posts, most are littered with misinformation, or cherry picked studies that manipulate the data to come to the necessary conclusions. The rest pretty much just attack the Conservatives, grocery chains and oil and gas. Never does he question big pharma, government overreach, a bloated unproductive public sector, slave labor exploitation to extract lithium for our green economy, government scandals, China, the corruption in our justice system, hamas, the devaluation of the Canadian dollar …………..::.
But hey, you can smoke crack in public now and if it wasn’t Gord, it would be someone else flying “orange”. As they say, it is what it is.

Anonymous said...

Trudeau won't give up. Not now. Not in the future. His ego won't allow him to admit defeat. Even for the obvious benefit of the Country

Thoughtful liberals might think it is time to go, but he won't. He will fight tooth and nail, full spittle, lashing out at everyone and everything. Tilting at windmills, engaging in rhetorical, ideological argument's with phantom enemies, Flailing to invent novel and expensive policy that will see the dustbin as soon as he is exorcised from his office. He did not run in the first place to help make the country work. He ran for himself. Now he can't resign because his legacy would be of a beaten, scorned, failure.
I feel sorry for liberals.....Used to be a party of openness and moderation and democratic principles. Will they all go down with the ship? It may already be too late to save the Party, for those who remember a more centrist past. It is time for individuals to sink or swim.

Anonymous said...

Before Gordo, wasn't our federal riding seat held by a Conservative? Lunney, I believe?

It's not too late, we have other options. We are not all starry eyed brainwashed dolts.

Anonymous said...

The CMHC sees existing home prices ripping higher as interest rates are cut. By the end of this year, they expect the average sale price to rise to $711,429—advancing 4.9% from last year. Explosive growth is forecast for 2025 (+9.5%), seen moderating in 2026 (+4.6%). Their baseline forecast has the average existing home fetching $814,851 by 2026, or 20% higher than last year. Most of the activity is forecast to occur in smaller, more affordable cities.

Good thing that inflation has been bought under control, now less than 3%. Housing prices rising nearly 10% per year is just an illusion.

That $4 zuccini? That's "inflation control". Same as the $2.08 I paid for two little roma tomatoes, and $4.59 for a can of peaches.

Everything you hear from the federal government regarding money is a LIE. A vote for Gord Johns is a vote for Trudeau and Freeland and supports the LIE.

Anonymous said...

Trudeau now makes about $400K per year, following his latest raise.
After 8 years in power, his net personal worth is now around $93 million.
He'll tell you that he's actually not very good at arithmetic with "small numbers".
Was it Al Capone who said that if you're gonna tell a lie that you should tell a big one, it's more likely to be believed?
That even 19% of the voters still support this guy is incredible!

Anonymous said...

What we need is more of Trudeau doing his frequent imitation of Yosemite Sam. Furious, spittle flying, guns a blazing, aimed at that dam wabbit, or is it the global warming Nay Sayers that has gotten him into one of his go to tirades. Easy there Yosemite, er, Justine You'll be blowing a gasket if you keep this up.