Saturday, January 27, 2024

Another Housing Story 


Anonymous said...

It's slowly dawning on me that the government has no interest in the people that make up the country. Its interests seem to be in making itself look good to some select groups for political propaganda at the expense of the rest of us. this gift to Tofino will not make housing happen any faster. more employees more studies more meetings will all take time contrary to the idea of making things easier and faster. just to make Josie look good.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, 4:01. The biggest obstacle to housing construction is......government. This money will be consumed by government, in an attempt to make it look like government is solving the housing crisis. "staff will soon be bringing forth the solution....", hiring more staff and consultants to do so. This is only going to make things worse.

Anonymous said...

We will be moving forward in a sustainable and equitable manner after first consulting with first nations and other stakeholders. Once we have analyzed the data and made certain that all new housing is net zero and solar equipped we will block all construction due to the water shortage that has been caused by climate change and colonialism. As Josie famously said “ no growth is an option “ and “ failure is not a bad thing “ .

Anonymous said...

This leftist DOT wants to control all elements of our town in a very totalitarian way. No development unless by an approved NGO. No celebrating Canadian historry... Indiginous history only that has been modified to fit a Socialist narrative. No Free Market concepts or fiscal responsability. Al And Duncan actually showed some old school thinking while offering to attend a confrence by Zoom...same some $$$ for the district. Bravo
I hold little hope hope for this council and mayor as a whole...enjoy your koolaid

Prove me wrong

Anonymous said...

furthermore once the money is spent and nothing happens someone will declare a moratorium on housing construction because the DOT was so busy spending the money that nothing was done about more present there is no interest in doing anything about increasing water supply or storage.... And there won't be until next August when people start wringing their hands and beating their breasts because we're running out of water again. There's been a water moratorium all along but everyone pretends it's business as usual and it is. That's why we keep running out. No water no building. But everyone pretends they're processing applications, passing amendments, making new by-laws, and hiring more people… the DOT perceives their jobs is to really do nothing but pretend they do.

Anonymous said...

They're getting over $161,000. Not one penny will be used to buy nails, lumber, pipe or concrete. No funds will be used to hire equipment to clear land. Every cent will be consumed by bureaucrats in the district office, those parasites that are being paid over $100,000 per year, to occupy space behind a desk. Worse yet, mayor and council will tolerate this, and will actually dream up ways to explain to us what a great job "the team" is doing as they blow through our tax dollars once again, producing nothing but more paperwork and more baricades to development.

$161,000 GONE.
Housing provided. NONE

And more lies. Successessful applicants will be able to move into "Headquarters" by spring of this year. Not a chance! Maybe by fall of 2024, but I doubt it. Construction has slowed to a crawl.

Anonymous said...

Many of the district staff have proven to be excellent in the field of housing . They have built , bought and sold many houses . Why is it so difficult for everybody else ?

Anonymous said...

W0W What a string of BS. Mayor law and current council have been the problem....The last 15 years of Tofino Councils have been the problem. No approvals. No rezoning of land for housing development. Josies term was no approval for housing development....Now Mayor Law positions himself as a new champion of progressive thinking on housing development. Give me a break. We don't need all this new process. Just approve some market housing developments. Councils only approvals have been for their own/government housing

Hundreds of units of Tourist accom have been constructed in that period. No new approvals/rezonings for housing development.....Nada. does that make any sense.

Just do what you should have been doing for decades. Approve a few housing developments. Now they are to be heroes by trying to solve the problem they created. just get out of the way.

Some will say we don't have enough water. That may be true. Then what the hell were Councils thinking by allowing all that Tourist Accom and no housing.....What kind of planning is that? and if there is no water...What is the point of rewriting the approval process. The gatekeepers are just plain stupid, inexperienced and are destroying your town.

Anonymous said...

In an imaginary dystopian novel written by Andrew Struthers perhaps called "FINITO, THE END OF THE ROAD", the high priestess of the NO cult declares… Failure is success! No growth is growth!
Welcome to the environmental semantics workshop.

Anonymous said...

Those who
Those who can't... get into politics.

Anonymous said...

This provincial government initiative is intended to override("streamline') local governments handling of the planning functions. Unfortunately this is a necessary response to local governments inability to act on the housing front. Local governments (Tofino) have gotten their priorities all akimbo. and their traditional authority needs to be, to some degree, taken over by the Province. Of coarse we have politicians and staff at the local level who don't understand their responsibilities.
Obsessive tree protection, keeping densities low, obsessive local sentiments about preservation, ideas that growth is bad anti environmental, and that developers are somehow slimier than any other sector of the economy(as evidenced in comments such as "we don.t like the way that guy dresses), runs rampant in many places. "if we approve this development they will get rich" This has prohibited the development of necessary housing. It indicates local gov'ts have abandoned their primary function of providing local management.......Simply saying "NO" is not management.

Anonymous said...

Human rights do not exist without property rights. Therefore the government has more control when everyone rents from state controlled housing. Buy bitcoin and bullets my friends.

Anonymous said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

Justin Trudeau was in Vancouver on Tuesday to announce that Ottawa is adding $2 billion in financing to the province’s recently announced program to fast-track the construction of middle-income rental housing.
What Trudeau failed to mention is that his government is flat broke. They have no money.
So this is merely another two billion added to the national debt, money your kids and grandkids will have to pay interest upon for years to come, until it's somehow paid off. There's no plan for doing so.
Don't be fooled, Trudeau isn't giving anybody anything.

Anonymous said...

The B.C. NDP government’s election-year budget will run a record $7.9 billion deficit, almost double last year’s,
Just like Trudeau, the provincial NDP government is pushing you, and your kids, even further into huge debt in order to try to fool you into thinking that you're getting something from the government. Actually, they're using YOUR money to try to buy your vote. One day all this money will have to be repaid, and until then your, and your kid's, tax dollars will be consumed paying interest on this debt, instead of providing essential services to the taxpayers. Don't be fooled.