
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Tofino Water Story 

1 comment:

  1. Good solution might be to let the public know that even though Tofino is officially "open", that we don't actually want people coming here. The road is closed most of the time anyway,there's long waits sitting in the hot sun and insane traffic line-ups, so it's easier for folks to just go to Campbell River or some other nice place for your holiday this year.

    Besides, there's no water. There's no guarantee that your chosen accomodations will even be open when you get here. And with the outrageous price of fuel, why waste gas driving to a place where you're not really wanted?

    And the prices, and the "Do This! Don't do that!" signs everywhere, and the restrictions, ...and now it's pay to park to shop in their stores!

    Let alone that the town is blasted, excavated, and dug up from one end to the other, dusty, dirty, covered in potholes and ridges, and looking more like construction site than any holiday destination. 2023 is NOT the year to travel to Tofino, let's just be honest with people.

    Perhaps council could start up a "virtual" tour of Tofino, where folks are taken on a digital trip through town and they can then remit payment electronically after their tour, and they wouldn't have to even bother coming here at all.
    Water supply expansion would no longer be needed.
