
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Vacation Rental Story 


  1. Funny eh? Sechelt has 35 VCR's in a community of, did it say 10,000? Do I read this correctly? They are dealing with it.
    Tofino reports 268 VCR licenses(plus how many unlicensed?) in a community of 2000-2500 and no need for any action, Just look away. Nothing to see folks.

    Ukee has addressed their housing in a full open public way. You have to admire the format regardless of whether you agree with the results. Tofino???? Crickets
    Just kick the can down the road.

  2. Funny eh? Sechelt has 35 VCR's in a community of, did it say 10,000? Do I read this correctly? They are dealing with it.
    Tofino reports 268 VCR licenses(plus how many unlicensed?) in a community of 2000-2500 and no need for any action, Just look away. Nothing to see folks.

    Ukee has addressed their housing in a full open public way. You have to admire the format regardless of whether you agree with the results. Tofino???? Crickets
    Just kick the can down the road.
