
Sunday, September 11, 2022

Camper Story From Long Ago 

  There has been talk of an upcoming crackdown on illegal housing situations. History shows us that this is nothing new and is just talk . 


  1. Nothing new will transpire before the results of the election 2022. Kinda like three months of paid leave for staff, where they're expected to do even less than they normally do. (Same wages and benefits)

  2. Thank you Ralph for posting this 6 year old news story. And what has changed in 6 years?
    Things have gotten worse as councils continue to abrogate their responsibilities, to the bylaws and a rules based society. ( Abrogate word eh.... I looked it up)
    Six years of councils who have become apologists, without gumption or vision.

    Very little private sector housing has been approved. Pathetically weak response by subsequent councils. Flagrant abuse of DOT bylaws rampant all over town. Neighbours are supposed to rat each other out. How is that working out? Who could have predicted that?
    Temporary use permits have become permanent barrios. My apologies to the Latinos out there. Local slums.... there that is better. Whose interests are served by these bylaw violations? The tourist interests who refuse to man up ( my apologies to men) and produce more staff housing, and councils that continue to hide behind a variety of excuses, refuse to have a plan, no solutions, except so called "affordable housing" that is very expensive for the working stiff, (my apologies to working people) or seasonal employees, and is costing the taxpayers who struggle to live here, millions. As if they, the taxpayers, were responsible for our woes.

    When is someone with some executive ability going to step forward and cut this knot that apparently can't be unravelled by a host of "experts", to whom we have payed, and continue to pay thousands every year. I am sure the consultants are well housed with their take from the deal. My apologies to screw apologies to consultants. Definition of a consultant....itinerant vandal. My apologies to vandals.

    We've had revision after revision of staff responsibilities.Created positions like "manager of community sustainability" while we watch community sustainability go down the toilet. Has one thing gotten better? one thing?.... well we have doubled down on the use of a variety of new pronouns. I apologise to everyone.

    Let's all sing together the theme song for our diminished community.... you all know it very well.....Humpty dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty dumpty had a great fall. All the kings horses and all the Kings men, couldn't put Humpty together again. My apologies to horses, the kings men, and eggs.
