
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Osborne Found Not Guilty 


  1. Trump was impeached twice but not convicted.

  2. Read the article. Commissioner seems more intent on embarrassing the MLA who asked for the investigation. How could you not want this investigated.

    I also note the Westerly posts other articles on their page..... ie"Huge Appliance Clearance Sales going On Now", "Houses for sale in Dubai can be bigger than you think", and "New Seniors apartments in Tofino(Take a Look at the Prices)" Plus many other interesting tidbits. All of equivalent value to the Commissioners findings

  3. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. Government corruption is just another sign pointing to the end of civilization as we know it.

  4. Now they lie in broad daylight and try to convince you that what you are seeing is not what you are seeing...It's you who are the problem for seeing a problem. Language means nothing anymore. What color is the sky Bobby? Whatever we say today. Not what we will say tomorrow.

  5. All you cynics. Just glad they invested some of their new money in pipeline companies. Oops, now I'm becoming cynical!

  6. So all you have to believe is that "Makeway" and "Makeway Shared blah blah" are completely separate entities. No connection. Like if I incorporate myself, it is not me doing business. No No No it is some completely different enterprise. That is all you have to believe. Simple, problem solved......all gone.

  7. 8:56 AM Great point re separate entities. And just forget about all those non-students under the previous owners. Move along folks, nothing to see here. Just the rich getting richer.

  8. 8:56 AM Great point re separate entities. And just forget about all those non-students under the previous owners. Move along folks, nothing to see here. Just the rich getting richer.


  9. the politically correct and connected getting rich. Just imagine this was some unconnected working class stiff, some handyman who flubbed his income tax filing.

    "No sir you cannot claim your to and from work vehicle expenses". "But I need my truck not just for work but to get to work. I work at a different job just about every day". Too bad dirt bag.... Loathsome scum. Guilty of tax fraud. This shit happens.

  10. lets see....was the commissioner taking into account that while the mayor, discussions were ongoing with makeway and her husband for about a year before the sale was announced......about the time her appointment to minister of minister of municipal affairs was also announced.....then next to her position of minister in charge of giving $15,000,000 to makeway.
    This truly stinks.......was makeway in discussions with the commissioner too?

  11. Wonder what David Eby thinks about this controversy involving a minister - one of seven NDP MLAs who didn't endorse him for the party leadership?
