Thursday, June 30, 2022

Canada Day Story*x2wd05*_ga*MTQ3OTEzOTA1NS4xNjU1MDk4MDI5*_ga_72QH41ZTMR*MTY1NjYwMDk4MS4xOS4wLjE2NTY2MDA5ODEuNjA.&_ga=2.73469082.962007665.1656525035-1479139055.1655098029 


Anonymous said...

Everyone else can celebrate. I'm an employed white male. I'll just hide in my hole, ashamed of being what I am, and filled with guilt for any success I might ever achieve. I've been alive for almost seven decades, and I'm only now realizing what an entitiled, evil, greedy piece of crap I am. I'm sorry for being alive. Please accept my humble apology.

Anonymous said...

lol @6.27 poor you!

Anonymous said...

@ 6:27 ok boomer

Anonymous said...

Boomers rule! Current generation sucks bigly

Anonymous said...

Dot abandons Canada Day...big surpise. All the while the Mayor bent the knee somewhere else.
Who is actually in charge of the mess we call "Tofino". (soon to be changed)