
Friday, February 11, 2022

Public Works Update

 Tofinonews has confirmed that Fraser Works is leaving his position at the District of Tofino. 


  1. And the revolving door continues. Where's he headed? Up, I assume - which is not a bad thing - To fill Bob's role when he moves on.

  2. Too bad, I know he worked very hard at his job. Maybe he started to realize the office is full of useless place holders. Maybe he got a better offer.

  3. Yeah. I was told that he was smart, worked hard, was a good boss to work under, and tried his best to make the system work efficiently, thereby reducing expenses and costs to the taxpayer. With an attitude like that he was bound to knock heads in the office. (I've never even seen him in a photo-op, even when Josie was still the boss).

  4. Isn't he headed for Bob's job? That's what I heard.

  5. Council decided they don't need a replacement for Bob.
    Everything will operate just the same without him.

    I concur

  6. ""Booming population has Tofino mulling over growth rate". That's the Westerly News headline. Once you read the story you learn that it's actually Aaron Rodgers mulling over how to get some overtime hours into the budget to provide a new make-work project trying to count Tofino's ever changing population, a "population data project". Good to know that we got Aaron looking after our future.
